[@Salenea] Lucian pondered for a moment. In one hand, he really wanted to let his pokemon rest, they did just get off a boat, after all. But on the other... He smiled, looking to Gabe, "It would be my honor." He says while bowing. "Which direction is it?" //Sorry it took so long to post!! [@BladeSS4] Alexandra was shocked. This was one of the few times that anyone has stood up to her. "Commoner filth." She murmurs under her breath. Once the nurse is done healing her pokemon, she snatched th epokeballs from the nurses hand and stormed out, in a worse mood than she already was in. Once she got outside, she opened her nearlu empty pokedex. All that did was fuel her hatred toward her brother, Lucian, more. "That waste probably already has more Pokedex entries than mine, how than that be?" She growled to herself. She switched through her pokedex, trying to find a certain application. "Ah, here it is." She murmured. What she opened was a tracker application. She looked around on the small map until she found what she was looking for, Lucian's pokedex. //Sorry it took so long to post!!