Midoriya returned the grip he felt from Nensu's hand. So her mother was a supporting figure. She helped her and her brother cope through hard times, until she was... the boy gently bit his lips. It was just too much pain for someone of his age for him to think of. Seeing the girl flinch as she had to speak the name sparked guilt in his mind. "Oh.... I..." He mumbled for a moment. Every time he was reminded of what she went through, his head went white about what to tell her. It was as if nothing would be good enough to mean anything. But he had to try. "Maybe.. we can go see her some time? M.. maybe after the summer camp, we might have some free time then." He suggested. Did that mean he managed to help her ease out? He just had to hope so. Hiems squeezed her hand for a beat and let go. "Pretty much." He answered.