[center][h1][color=82ca9d]The Spirit War Chronicles[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3]~~[/h3][/center] [center][color=00a651][i]"Abigail did everything she was supposed to do. Not one single mistake, not one slip up, and yet, here she is. Lying on her stomache, her face half consumed by a pool of blood from the hole in her chest mixed with the other Spirit user's blood. Her last moments on this forsaken battlefield show her lying down, embracing her death. When she made a contract with the fox spirit Abigail thought her power would go unparalleled in battle. The Fox Spirit, along with granting her extreme physical capabilities, gave her great speed and uncanny reflexes. Pair this with her skill with a dagger and she became a force of nature. This force was short lived when she came across another spirit user, a stronger spirit user. Her fox spirit was by no means weak but her naivety lead her to underestimate her opponent who had a contract with a Spirit of Metal. Abigail died that day on the battlefield not knowing where she went wrong. Her contract with the Fox Spirit was terminated allowing her spirit to make a new contract with another spirit user. Such is the way of war, I suppose. You train, you travel, you fight, you travel some more and then you die. This is one of many stories of war that I've come across. Although this one is of failure, there are many of success. This story is to be learned from. If there is one truth you can gain from Abigial it is this: No matter how strong the bond with your spirit is, war changes everything. " -An excerpt from the journal of Rory Winkle[/i][/color][/center] [center][h3]~~[/h3][/center] The Spirit War Chronicles takes place in a post-modern world where humans and spirits form contracts together in order to fight in the ongoing war between different nations. Outside of the city gates lies the badlands. Where demons, think anti-spirit, roam wild doing whatever they please. The Rp will be centered around a few individual Spirit Users who take it upon themselves to travel through the badlands finding a way to put an end to the war. The City Nation of Honorfire is at war with the nation of Drogo-Kai who has started training Demon Users, a practice that is taboo. Demon Users directly violate the treaty between the two nations because of the inherently evil nature and destructive tendencies. Honorfire and Drogo-kai are neighbouring nations, this means the war between them hits very close to home. The badlands were already a dangerous place, adding Demon users and enemy Spirit users turns the badlands into a vast stretch of land that that has taken the lives of many. The badlands is now regarded as "the battlefield" by locals. This Rp will find the Pc's roaming through the dangerous land known as The Badlands, where Demons lurk around every corner and Spirit Users from the land of Drogo'kai will actively try and kill them. Themes of war will loom in the background giving an overall darker tone to the Rp. I want your characters to form relationships, grow together and learn more about each other as they team up and enter the battle field. [hr] [center] [Hider=Magic Sytem] [i]Spirit users are known to many but are few in numbers, this is because the life of a spirit user often ends in the battlefield, a place only a spirit user can traverse and pray to come back alive. Spirit users are specially trained in sections of Honorfire's militia making there battle prowess exceptionally high. Not everyone can become a Spirit user, only those chosen by their commanding officer can be allowed to take the ritual that will later lead them to becoming a spirit user. [/i] [Hider=Spirits] The magic system in this Rp revolves around the contract made by a human and a spirit. There are a countless number of spirits to make contracts with ranging from animal spirits to elemental spirits to material spirits. Basically anything you can think of. Spirits themselves can only be seen by those who summon them. [/hider] [Hider=contracts] A contract can be made with a spirit by following a traditional ritual summoning. You call upon a spirit by giving praise to it. Once the spirit manifests you sacrifice an item with high sentimental value along with a drop of blood. Once the spirits accepts your sacrifices the contract is made. There is 3 rules to a contract. 1) You may only form a contract with one spirit and this contract last for life. 2) A drop of your blood must be given to your spirit each year on the anniversary of the signing of a contract. 3) Breaking the previous rules of the contract will result in your immediate death. Other then those 3 rules, anything goes. [/hider] [Hider=Powers and Abilities] when a contract is formed with a spirit the person becomes a spirit user. A spirit user gains inhuman capabilities along with a unique power. Strength is enhanced, Speed is enhanced, Durability is enhanced aswell as both hearing and eyesight. With each spirit come a different power, a power that is characterized by the type of spirit you use. For example, a flower spirit user might gain the power of photosynthesis, gaining energy or healing capabilities whilst in the sunlight. A water spirit might grant you the ability to become water. A spirit of death might grant you the ability to decay whatever you touch. Get creative. [/hider] [/hider] [Hider=Honorfire] [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSKnHQNrEmVCaX91DX3nl_KcyebS3yEy7CjIuaWqH52Ve_YGJp73Q[/img] Honofire is a massive city nation that has been a hub of trade and commerce for centuries (think New York City for scale). The city is surrounded by a border which is heavily guarded. Inside the border is a bustling city with tall buildings and winding streets. Much like modern day, there is vehicles, city transportation, commercial sized building etc.. Honofire also has it's own militia who is tasked with training new spirit users and preparing then for the badlands. This Militia is not only made up of spirit users, in fact, most are this army are just regular people. The initial goal for this force was to bring a sense of security to the people of Honorfire. Patrolling the streets in order to stop any crime that may be happening and Guarding the border of Honorfire from any stray demons that come out of the forest. The Militia started training spirit users because they needed a force that could battle the demons on a level playing field, prior to them, hundreds of men died fighting these monstrosities. Honorfire wasn't the only nation to implement spirit users into their military. Drogo'kai, their neighboring city nation, also took this idea and ran with it. Unfortunately Drogo'kai's thirst for power drew them towards the demons that inhabit the Badlands, thinking they could harness or control these living demons arose their secret practice of Demon Users. The difference between a Demon User and Spirit User is the fact that a Spirit reside within a user while a Demon has a physical form, a form that is most often evil, destructive and easily corrupts the user. [/hider] [Hider=The Badlands] [img]https://wallpapercave.com/wp/61oU8Bu.jpg[/img] A large stretch of land that is home to the dangerous creatures known as demons. The badlands has dense forests and hilly fields that stretch across the horizon. The roads and paths that swerve through the badlands were made by travelers before you. The land is similar to no mans land in way. Both the nation of Honorfire and Drogo'kai are surrounded by badlands, being only a couple thousand miles apart, most of the battles between the nations takes place here. To some The Badlands can be seen as a serene paradise, and to the eye it does appear so. Tall rocky mountains paint a silhouette in the background while lush forests spread across the landscape. In some areas you can find old architecture, no doubt from a society long since past. Demons inhabit most of the land but there are occasions where some poor soul will settle down there, for their own reasons they've decided to live there. [/hider] [Hider=Demons] [img]https://www.belloflostsouls.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/5th-Edition-Blink-Dog.jpg[/img] [img]https://crystal-cdn1.crystalcommerce.com/photos/38695/large/Giants_of_Legend_-_027_Otyugh.jpg[/img] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/vsdebating/images/c/ca/4e_pit_fiend.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180207172959[/img] Demons are monstrosities that make the home in the Badlands. They come in many different shapes and sizes some resemble familiar animals while other look like the stuff of nightmares. Because knowledge of demons are limited to scarce encounters and the stories told by surviving spirit users, not much is known about them. It is known they possess great strength and often have unique abilities like that of a spirit user, they are also known to be very hostile towards humans. Their origin and history is currently under investigation but unfortunately there is nothing that helps the humans understand them. [/hider] [/center] [hr] [center] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Age: Height: Appearance: (pic please) Personality: (Just give a few words words that describe your character, the rest will be revealed in the RP) Name of Spirit: Spirit: ('___ Spirit' or 'Spirit of ___') Innate Ability: (Ability unique to you) Equipment: Style of Combat: (Swords, Sword&Shield, Bare Fists, Only use Spirit etc.) Other: (Anything) [/hider] [/center] [hr] [sub]Updates from interest check[/sub] [list] [*][sub]Added To the intro [/sub] [*][sub]Added to Magic hider[/sub] [*][sub]Added to Honorfire hider[/sub] [*][sub]Added to Badlands hider[/sub] [*][sub]Added monster hider[/sub] [*][sub]Added Character Sheet hider[/sub] [/list]