The beast within now without was the sole reason the man turned monster had survived the tide of iron the draconic foe leveled blow after blow. It wounded the beast deeply, now stanched again only by the enchanted word of the halfling woman perhaps in the fight of her life. Fighting through to the desperate end, pawed hand taking up the sword again that had been near thrown away by the blow Cyanwrath dealt, the blade cascaded up from the cavern floor and narrowly caught the blue scales rather than the armor itself. Yet what trailed with the wake of the strike was the same ethereal glow that shed from the arms of the pale tiger down across the leading edge itself; each attack was the all that could be mustered, even the very soul of the self. Not relenting, answering the order of the enemy as best that there could be - knowingly or not - the savage palms changed grip and crashed the hungering blade back down. Again, snarling with a rough exhale, maw stained with its own blood did the once-man pour all that was within out into the attack. Not an ounce more of supernature could be felt, not a drop more could be given from its cup. All that the [i]Pale Lady[/i] had provided in this moment was here. Perhaps the dragon servant would feel it, perhaps for once he too would recoil, but there was no time for Brannor to even exalt in lucidity. Everything was flashes of animal anger, raging fires stoke by injury and the need to fight or die trying, interrupted by moments of the silver moon's cool calm. A roiling storm of experiences, the mauled gauntlets held up the blade again, hoping it struck as true as it could and the green knight shook off the haze again. Eyes of gold burning, the wash of intangible green-white smoke fading from the sword, the jowls quivered with anticipation. This needed to end soon, the moon's graces were not just limited to it; the half-blooded man had fallen, there was an imperative need, an urge, to preserve him, and the only way to do so was through the enemy of Greenest. [hider=Effects] Brannor makes his first attack against Cyanwrath with his greatsword, striking on a [url=]17[/url] and dealing [url=]10[/url] slashing damage due to the original [url=]7[/url] being re-rolled by [i]Great Weapon Fighting[/i] due a die roll being 2 or less. Brannor then expends a 1st level spell slot and uses [i]Divine Smite[/i] to add [url=]7[/url] Radiant damage to the hit. The second attack made by [i]Multiattack[/i] also lands on a [url=]17[/url] to hit, for [url=]13[/url] slashing damage; rerolled by [i]Great Weapon Fighting[/i] from a [url=]7[/url] due to both dice being a 1 and a 2. Brannor uses his last 1st level spell slot to deal 9 radiant damage with [i]Divine Smite[/i]. [i]Great Weapon Fighting[/i] rerolls the 2 from the original [url=]6[/url] damage into a [url=]5[/url]. In total, he deals 23 slashing damage and 16 radiant damage to Cyanwrath. He will still use his attack of opportunity for the first enemy that provokes from him this turn.[/hider] [@Hekazu][@Ryonara][@Zverda][@Lucius Cypher][@Norschtalen]