Blackout Shadow Hold Shadow leads the two into his study and offers them a seat at a table. As Raia settles herself Shadow passes her a bottle of whiskey. Raia immediately passes it to Sia. "I heard your meeting with Karnariel?" Raia says getting right down to business. "I am." Shadow answers. "This one's companion, Lexianna, has been mediating the negotiations as a neutral party." "You know she got Sturm's command sphere for him right?" Raia states. "I am aware. I had her look into his death." Shadow sips his tea. "And?" Raia presses. "It seems we aren't as invulnerable as we were led to believe. Our Soul Void can be invaded. If our true bodies are killed... well, you can imagine." "You think Karnariel is using Lexianna to get to us? I mean, he's desperate for vengeance." "I don't think so. She seems genuine in promoting peace. I'd call her naive. But with the kind of power she wields it's not naivete." Shadow says as he empties his cup. Raia glances at Sia, recalling that night she witnessed her true form. "You should know that the pirate king is going to be attending this meeting as well." Raia informs. "Smough?" Shadow asks. Raia nods. "I suppose I should prepare for more guests."