[hider=Florem] [b]RACE NAME:[/b] Florem (flores vitae) [b]RACE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION:[/b] A species of plant-based humanoids, Florem are small bush-like creatures that were given form through the dying wish of a magical Great Oak. Although magic in nature, they have no understanding of it and thus are unknowing of how they came to be. Florem start off their lives looking similar to an animated dead bush with a flower on their head, standing only about 1 ft tall but once they reach sexual maturity (Around 1-2 months) they have now the ability to grow/shed leaves and berries from their body and stand at about 2/2.5 ft. However as Florem are vegetation they cannot die of old age and possibly could grow larger and wiser as the years pass. Florem shape changes depending on the season giving them different benefits and weaknesses and as such this makes them a highly adaptable race. [hider=Seasons] During Spring they will have a full set of of leaves and small orange circular berries that smell sweet but are carrying a somewhat weak poison(non-dangerous in middle sized creatures likely causing a stomach ache or induce vomiting at most, smaller creatures may however find it to be deadlier if consumed.). Roughly one Florem will create 10-15 berries throughout the whole season. The leaves while providing a rudimentary form of protection make Florem rather slow and clumsy only being able to move at a walking pace. During Summer any berries that remain unpicked on the Florem will bloom into flowers that give off a fragrant aroma, these flowers can then be picked off a Florem and planted into the ground to give birth to another Florem, while all flowers are white to begin with, future evolution may provide new colours and thus new forms of Florem. In Autumn, The leaves covering the Florem will change colour and become brittle, while still causing slowness but no longer protecting the Florem making Autumn the most dangerous season for them in terms of defence. Finally in Winter Florem have shedded most/all of their leaves, making them a lot more mobile and less accident prone, however this is counteracted with having less armour to protect them. At this point they have grown moss for winter to continue photosynthesising even without their leaves. [/hider] Florem, as they have no mouth to speak of obviously have no real need/ability to consume food, instead they are able to store energy within themselves through photosynthesis and also need for water at least once every week, in which they absorb it through any part of their body. Having no mouth to speak of, they are also unable to communicate verbally and thus communicate through body movements instead. Florem reproduce asexually through planting flowers on their body into the soil which will grow (as long as it has a supply of water and minerals from the earth) into new Florem over the course of roughly 1.5 months to which they climb out of the ground as an immature Florem. While technically the newborn Florem has a parent, they act independently and are treated as an equal. The possibility of a Florem not being 'birthed' is quite high with only about 2/3 of those planted reaching the stage of sentience. Florem as they are quite flimsy have the ability to regenerate themselves, the process can be a somewhat long and strenuous one depending on how damaged they are and only mature Florem have the ability to do so. A Florem must plant themself in the ground becoming totally immobile during the process, they must have a supply of minerals and water for to actually start the regeneration process. It takes about a month for a limb to be fully restored. The only way a Florem can die is if its 'head' is removed from its body as it can no longer function without its the connection to its torso. [b]POPULATION:[/b] 12 [b]RACE BEHAVIOUR:[/b] Florem are a immoral race, not sharing the same range of emotional understanding as most other races, they don't understand empathy or sympathy except to their own kind. While this is the case, they are also relatively peaceful, not resorting to violence unless something is damaging them or their territory excessively. In most cases they would try to communicate with the creature that they are interacting with to mostly no avail, next they would try and provide food for said creature, sometimes offering the berries on their bodies(if it is spring at least) accidentally poisoning most creatures that try them. They are also a highly curious species and will interact with anything they have never seen before. This however can cause issues and damage to the Florem in question or could be considered taboo by other species, like ripping apart a corpse. They do however understand other species can feel pain to and wont cause physical harm unless provoked. [b]HISTORY:[/b] (Soon my Bushbabies, soon...) [b]CULTURE:[/b] (Soon my Bushbabies, soon...) [b]TECHNOLOGIES:[/b] [list][*] - Basic Tools [*] - Fire [/list] [/hider] [hider=Image] [img]https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/17fd05c8661e2e373af7c428c73051a5/5DB35010/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/s640x640/62259935_173016740392183_4309334613386414360_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com[/img] [/hider] [hider=Theme] [url=https://youtu.be/or4K7j-S6RI]Clicky Click[/url] [/hider] [hider=Location] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/qeJOnD72Bf209OiZ22pbmmw3NFAMkKF4z_yHECEmLKbgFvraR4mraqWSLpeug_rf32qOPjxlWhvKuXg10zo_wWF0UpTOs99lgtQS1icLEKmejToJtc6PuaqdFfsbkYxUgt3SDoz-p5rkB_8z5L3Jv9o58aMFK7JWpZX1liGK-qF1qCzcwnvaDuahINPxhsRnhWo8K_ZcbC0EYHVeFdi3U4U8G3patv8OszpaKwVfLfcBGBfElp_C82k3zz2A8TIo8D-XgcfbNUZoRnMpQAHGWyCqtyBO3EinGozGyyrykuelnS_9m9UA1lAyKus0u2g0oK_XSslSqGhyIM4iY1JKQK0TJeiXzPSLSwydbfU1B4o3bPAXWw4vuobecuFsL9UTpa-5J5nKDqSK_R2q_s1uEnS68HrPr2C6qZ2wI-GCCUdOJaxZ1EQ45vdt9FhlwUDC6gG8wFsuOHaJxRZrktihEfz7oMxEvYl5Hx8sESv0aLRIczIEuO4q02mxIGiVvSXIrMT_nabOTwH_fNw_vbCyPQwlk4bCS3oTD3WqUR0QUcq1Tk9Z1LW2nZXlw-_6tLzdqn4gMKQrO2BfxzBYuMjuj2SnyRmCXelBgY9RKPk9Vw8wD9o_fqW69IkOTm6G8kr9fssZmbTPwwCfOwb6KYRzENJsg0O5S85EaQ0yTMEOBdMwvYD2t6ZlxnsHbpN9iwrq-2GYyu_u3tejsCKp7zSk5oUyKCugfkzK3P0hz8n51QOsx4ydwVR-IBBy6MoCGzwPZq3RrE9s39bQcOVpmmVCWil2G6en96gbTWzP2GIlpV_SgRIQ=w1000-h488-no[/img] [/hider] And here it is, hoping this will suffice. Really excited about joining this. If anyone could give me their opinion on my race, it would also be much appreciated. ^^