[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/610964561553522698/610966915686596657/91-914114_flowerdivider-1522021666-transparent-floral-divider.png[/img][h1][color=lightcoral]Corvina[/color][/h1] [color=lightcoral][b]Time:[/b][/color] Past Midnight [color=lightcoral][b]Location:[/b][/color] Forest of the peninsula of the Sun Elf Village [color=lightcoral][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] [@Inertia] [@Tae] [@AliveFalling] [h2][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/610964561553522698/610975307410964510/3388c70460524d0a49fb42fda3041dea_snow-divider-clipart-1-clip-art-vector-site-_709-132.png?width=400&height=44[/img][/h2][/center] The man she had traveled with through the rift with and from earlier had introduced himself as Rei. She ggave him a thumbs up and replied with, [color=lightcoral][b]"Nice to meet you, Rei. I'm Corvina, but Cora works too."[/b][/color] She paused as he spoke, then smiled and accepted he handkerchief. She began to dab at her face and wipe it off gracefully. Afterwards, she tended to her head and dabbed it. [color=lightcoral][b]"Thank you, I appreciate your help."[/b][/color] She followed his gaze to the newcomer who was clearly not human. She swallowed hard and watched her intently despite her aching head and tilting vision. She took depe, calming breaths and tried to ease her racing heart and mind. She wondered if she had managed to sleep that night, would she be in this mess? Corvina listened to the women speaking while holding a hand to her head to staunch the bleeding. She was applying pressure with one hand and dabbing at the blood with Rei's handkerchief. Quite a long way from home? No kidding. This was real, right? How hard had she hit her head? She looked around at the new landscape. This was definitely not on Earth. Where they were though was beyond her. Feeling ill and unbalanced, Cora scooted up against a tree for support to ease herself: her vision was tilting forward and backwards. She couldn't help but wonder if she had another concussion. The last injury she had needed, especially with what happened to her a year ago. God, was there even a doctor here to assess her and treat her? The woman, Kenia, interrupted her reverie which Cora found as a blessing. Her eyes kept closing and she had to keep prying them open. She listened intently to her words and watched as Kenia took out some leaves. Cora's eyes widened as she looked at them. Mint leaves, exactly what she needed. She took them gracefully, still unable to speak. Cora wasn't sure how she was staying awake: the heaviness in her head and the aching in her temples, her tilting vision... She began to chew the leaves as instructed, not second guessing Kenia. The woman was cleaning her head wound which Cora found nonthreatening. Clearly this woman wasn't going to harm them, or yet at least. It would have been easier to kill her off first than her companion. As Cora listened to her story, she found herself reeling even more. It was definitely something out of Narnia or roleplay, even a children's story; except there was something worse to it. She knew there was a few details left out judging by Kenia's tone. As her nausea and headache began to settle, Cora pried her eyes open as wide as she could. A loud roar caused her to jump and then glance upwards. A dragon; except this one was bony and skeletal. Was this world explanation real or had she fallen into hell? [color=lightcoral][b]"Well, I'll be damned,"[/b][/color] Cora mused with a snort of laughter and glanced at Rei with wide-eyes. There was terror and amazement in her eyes and tone, despite her derisive laughter. Her mind went to humor to cope with the situation. [color=lightcoral][b]"A dragon, ah yes because why not? Dragon Tales from Hell, am I right?"[/b][/color] She began to scramble to her feet, her dizziness and nausea now returning to remind her she was still injured. No, there was no time for this now. Their lives were in imminent danger. She wanted to go home now. She had seen enough. Still unwell, Cora gritted her teeth and stumbled into Rei and cltuched his arms. Her wide eyes glanced up into his, his words causing her to laugh nervously. This was insane. [color=lightcoral][b]"Sorry, I'll move - one second. I can't see..."[/b][/color] Cora gripped the tree behind her as Kenia threw herself in front of them and ordered them to run. As Cora released her grip on Rei and began to stumble away, the dragon released a tirade of blue flames at them. Her eyes widened and she whirled around to find herself behind the two now, but the others in danger. No matter why they were here, these two were in trouble and Corvina couldn't stand the idea of letting innocent people be hurt. Kenia was obviously not a threat also, and they needed her. Despite the physical circumstances and her concussion, she knew that letting them be torched was not only horrible, but counterproductive to achieving her goal of getting the hell home. The forest was on fire around them, causing smoke to rise and fill the vicinity. Within minutes, it would become impossible to escape. Cora thought fast: she drew in a quick breath with trepidation, then pulled Rei and Kenia out of the way. Cora quickly moved out of the way of the flames as well. The world spun around her as she too quickly for her conscious mind to grasp. She felt a rush of helplessness and fury at their situation. Unexpectedly, flames shot out of her hands at the dragon. Cora expected to feel horrendous burning, the scent of burning flesh and her life flashing before her eyes. Instead, Corvina felt nothing. [color=lightcoral][b]"Uh,"[/b][/color] Cora glanced down to find her [b]hands [/b] engulfed in flames without the pain or flesh burning. Was she seeing right? [color=lightcoral][b]"Am I the only one seeing this or are my hands slowly going to start cooking, Kenia?"[/b][/color]