[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/YCnJKP9t/f0549d81c187c9ac94771f8b0f60080c.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/HLGdm9MN/S8qWy8k.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@Jasonhero][/center][hr][center][h3][color=84B4E2][b]The Hub - San Fransisco: March 5th, 1984 - 10:10 A.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][hider=Notes][u]The 1984 Squad[/u][list] [*]Invisible Woman [*]Strange [*][color=84B4E2]Niah[/color] [*][color=84B4E2]Roman[/color] [*][color=84B4E2]Flynn[/color] [*][color=84B4E2]Raynor[/color][/list][/hider] [color=d86615]"When would you rather I make a joke, Firebutt?"[/color] Raynor asked Flynn with a deadpan expression. Yes, he had agreed to work with Flynn on a plan that would prevent Sparky from ever going into the Quantum Realm in the first place and stop Ultron from taking over the world. The chaos and destruction the others were experiencing in 2021 felt so far away and for a moment, Raynor couldn't help but fantasize about trying to send himself to some safe date - 2016, for instance - where he could grab Sparky and take her far away from this horrible little planet. Raynor had been about to rattle off the number for the Hub, when suddenly their surroundings shifted. Rather than being inside of the Baskin Robbins, they were in the midst of a [url=https://i.postimg.cc/CLyKd0GT/image.png]busy, crowded corridor lined with gigantic pillars.[/url] S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and scientists were hurrying from destination to destination, ignoring the group that had appeared out of nowhere. Strange was smirking slightly to himself. [color=53A981]"Sorry, I hate public transportation,"[/color] he explained. Not too far from where they were standing, there was a phone and a directory. Most likely, the phone only made calls within the building but hopefully, they would be able to find Pym or Fury's number in the book if they looked through it. [color=57A2EC]"This was a lot quicker anyway."[/color] [color=53A981]"Now, Dr. Bautista, if you would like to call Dr. Pym or Mr. Fury, that would be wonderful,"[/color] Strange said. However just before Niah would have a chance to, a little red kitten would come up to her and rub up on her slightly. [color=d86615]"... Fuck, is that Fury's cat?"[/color][hr][hr][center][h3][color=84B4E2][b]Stark Tower - New York: July 15th, 2021 - 9:50 P.M.[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][hr][hider=Notes][u]Explosions + Assault Squad[/u][list] [*]Goose [*]Banner [*]Scarlet Witch [*]Vision [*]Marvel [*][color=84B4E2]Cass[/color] [*][color=84B4E2]Maria[/color] [*][color=84B4E2]Tinley[/color][/list] TLDR: 11 drones remaining [/hider] Unlike in previous instances, reinforcements for Ultron's legion came instantly. Another twelve drones made it inside of the building and the Hulk ran out through what had been the front entrance, grabbing drones and crushing them left and right like they were just bugs. Easily thirty drones swarmed the Hulk, obscuring him from view until all anyone inside would be able to see would be a green hand reaching up, before vanishing. [color=F86A6A]"I'll help him, you guys move on ahead!"[/color] Captain Marvel shouted, putting on her helmet. She was now sporting what looked like an epic mohawk as she burst out into the fray, killing as many drones in the faceless army as she could. Every now and then, those inside would be able to see a burst of light from Carol's power cosmic or they would feel the ground shake as the Hulk landed on more of his foes. [color=8dc73f][i][b]"HULK SMAAAAAAAAASH!"[/b][/i][/color] [color=F86A6A]"Yeah, that's the idea, big boy!"[/color] The snowstorm was starting to die down, yet since it hadn't really slowed down the drones in the first place that didn't matter too much. The Scarlet Witch wrinkled her nose, looking at Maria with distaste. [color=red]"I would rather [i]die[/i] than marry a toaster!"[/color] she protested. Her eyes were shining red as she pulled the destroyed Ultron drones together, fashioning a rough barricade to make it harder for them to pursue them further into Stark Tower. After all, Ultron drones were built to destroy organic lifeforms and not each other. Apparently, the Vision shared similar sentiments to Wanda. [color=A49C63]"Wanda Maximoff and I only share a twelve percent romantic and sexual compatibility."[/color] His systems seemed to be momentarily operational, as he shot energy beams at three of the drones and blew them up, destroying them. Wanda's barricade was holding, meaning there were currently just nineteen more drones for them to deal with - the rest of the drones were swarming Captain Marvel and the Hulk outside. [color=red]"Twelve percent? That seems a little high, spaceman,"[/color] the Scarlet Witch protested. The synthezoid destroyed another five drones, bringing the total to fourteen. [color=A49C63]"My calculations are not incorrect - our compatibility is precisely twelve percent. Yet when it comes to parenting, the number drops considerably..."[/color] [color=red]"Urgh, shut up!"[/color] Goose still had the tentacles flying, ripping two droids apart before he grabbed a third one which disappeared into his mouth. There were just eleven left now to deal with. And since Abercrombie had moved towards the stairs, those eleven drones instantly went after her, not wanting to let her go up another step. Her calves would definitely be burning by the time she got to the top, as Stark Tower is ninety three floors tall - maybe they could figure a way to fly up the stairs in order to conserve energy?