JEAN LUC Past Midnight Near River Kingdom Interactions : angry dark elf, a bunch of fairies, pissed off and scared human with fire powers, a shit tonne of wolves and a panther _________________________________________________________ Upon hearing a scream he turned to see a really short angel with wings take flight to a beautiful woman. Wait angels can't be short, wait why is everyone short. There are wolves, a demon with... Fox fur, demon. A panther on top of the wall, that soon to be pelt better not break a bone while landing. And why is someone taking the only other human, oh another dead guy at her feet. "DEUS VULT!" He yelled out as his wolf attacked, he took the wolf to his shield before bashing it away to the side preparing for the panther as if pounced having it land upon his sword as be soon bad to drop to one knee. Before leaving the beast wounded in front of him as he pushed it forwards towards the wall.. "In the name of God release that maiden!" He yelled as the short birdman left and his body went into a tumble with a wolf as he was pushed atop another. "DEUS VULT!" He yelled as his sword went flailing and the ground began to shake as he was growing angry with frustration. "Leave us beasts of Satan!" He stared down at the panther as the ground shook harder, "I will cut you down too in the name of God, I WILL SLAY ALL OF YOU, FLEE beasts of Satan!." He yelled out as he moved to the nearest arbitrary fairy to his person to release them by smashing the side of the wolf attacking with his armored leg. "Flee in the name of God, creatures of this forest flee... Winged dwarves form upon me and he will survive!." He yelled out