[center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/2ba1bc4fc2b390e328831d9557fc22ee/tumblr_inline_nehytgY2XH1slk5sm.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Dxahj94.png[/img][/center] [right][color=708090][sub]Mentions: [@Altered Tundra] Nate, Trixie in spirit [@TootsiePop] Location: A computer lab, but it’s mostly introspection. Nobody cares about that, just read the dialogue LMAO Time: Monday morning, after Brian betrayed his location; that fucker[/sub][/color][/right][hr][indent][indent]Why did Henry get dragged down with Damian? That was the question of the hour. He didn’t know how or why he got brought into this, but it seemed that he was always taking the fall for Damian’s bullshit. ‘Oh Henry, we so desperately need your help. Please, help us!’ Stupid Elite boyband lookin’, talkin’ motherfuckers. Of course, Henry was a good friend, so of course he helped out. He took the fall with Damian when the time came, but even now, it was still just… such bullshit. Come on, they had a party — that wasn’t on school grounds, nor even during the school year, it had been on vacation — and someone [i]provoked[/i] a volatile Owen into doing and saying some dumb shit, so now, Henry had to hard carry the fucking yearbook [i]and [/i]the goddamn dance committee? Stupid. Stupid stupid. Not to mention, the school could have pretty fucking easily put Brian or Trixie in his spot, but noooo. They had to punish him. Like Henry even gave as hit about stuff like this! He didn’t even know what went in a yearbook, and a dumbass party with arbitrary rules that didn’t make sense in this goddamn decade. Only girls can send invites!? What about the fuckin’ gays?! Where was the justice?! Henry knew a thing or two about gays, and he was blown away that Marshall hadn’t exploded and demanded that it be changed. Who the hell even picked a Sadie Hawkins dance? Was it his sister? No, no, that seemed too retarded for Hailey. This must have been… well, reality and reason said it was probably the school as an entity that made the choice, but… Henry wasn’t too interested in something so cut and dry. No, no, Henry wanted someone more concrete to blame. [color=#b57f13]“This was probably Ophelia.”[/color] That seemed as valid as anyone else he could blame. After all, the stupid ass Candies were all about love, or whatever. Dammit, he couldn’t even be mad. The end result was Henry had made the choices that led to him getting the shaft. Who else could he really blame? Damian had called him and asked him for his help, and Henry had agreed. Henry hadn’t even wanted to be a part of Damian’s stupid boyband. Henry didn’t like the very idea of ‘The Elite,’ their fathers had that title when they were younger and now… what, they were just going to snatch it out of the ground and make it their own? Please, at least Hailey was original; there wasn’t the Unholy Trinity v2.O (the ‘O’ was for Outrageous). Still Henry had agreed to [i]help[/i], and look where it brought him? The simple fact of the matter was Henry was too good! TOO GOOD! He didn’t need to take the fall, and he could have pushed back harder, but he would have been damned if he didn’t stand by his friend in perilous times such as those. Besides, Damian would never have been able to handle the principal without Henry there; the poor guy had locked up and shut down at the very idea of not being allowed on the football team… At least Henry had quipped and fought back. Damian was like a soft… squishy ball of depression right away. Luckily, the cure to that seemed to be redheaded tongue, which Damian now had plenty of. Where did that leave Henry? Busy. It made Henry busy. He felt like Brian, only ol B-Rye was much more naturally acclimated to a busy schedule and people depending on him. On a Monday morning, Henry had to come to school early, leave Min-seo behind — in the hands of Moms, who would never ruin this for him, right? — get Parker ready and leave her in the capable hands of Hailey’s Butler… and then show up and do what? Whatever Trixie wanted? Henry had been in the planning process for all of forty five seconds before he threw up both middle fingers and back walked out of the room. His plan then? Simple, straightforward: ignore everyone and hide in the lab. That’s why, when there was a knock at the door, Henry was pissed when he spun around from the science experiment he was fucking around with, and ready to get real gotdamn snappy with Trixie, who was probably here to try and get him to [i]do shit[/i], but then he paused when he saw who it was — of course, Nate hadn’t waited for him to open the door, so Henry was annoyed all the same! [color=#b57f13]“Dammit, Nate, I’m tryin’ to hide from Trixie before she tries to make me participate!” [/color]It was too late, though, and Henry stepped out of the lab. Any other time, and he would have been with Min then and there, but not this morning. The unfortunate reality was she was coming in whenever his moms brought her in… and he was stuck at school. [i]Alone[/i]. [color=#b57f13]“Sorry, dude, I’m in a mood. I don’t wanna do this dumb ass dance plannin’ shit, but my dumbass friends got me in some shit so here I am.” [/color]He waved his hand and shook his head. [color=#b57f13]“What’s on your mind, brother?”[/color][/indent][/indent]