I re-created my Race [hider=Gior] [center] [img]https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/turtlerock/optimized/2X/4/43e267468cae0c0fe3d391d770566dce66e59778_2_690x475.jpg[/img] [b]RACE NAME: Gior[/b] [b]RACE PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: The large and hardy Gior are still primal, and they do not have a great technological level. They walk on two legs but may run or walk with two arms and two legs, or four arms and two legs. The Gior are excellent hunters and resilient survivors due to body adaptations and evolution in the past. The Gior has evolved to survive in darkness, preferring to live in caves and tunnels in mountains. Gior eat meat only, giving them their large muscular bodies. Females have longer tails that are sharp at the end, while males have stronger claws to help them dig into rock and dirt.[/b] [b]POPULATION: 12[/b] [b]RACE BEHAVIOR: Although they cannot learn well, they can partly communicate using beast-like sounds and body language. They do not like to stay out during the day or in sunny weather. Instead, they prefer to live underground in colonies or packs.[/b] [b]HISTORY:???[/b] [b]CULTURE:???[/b] [b]TECHNOLOGIES:None[/b] [/center] [/hider]