"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me, I was just gonna sit here and hope that no one snuck up on us while we were incredibly vulnerable. Because, you know, I'm an [i]idiot[/i]. " Andrea muttered, safely assured Maria couldn't hear her, checking the surrounding space for the umpteenth time. She settled into a pattern of checking the ship's systems every few scans of the surrounding area, just to make sure nothing else broke when they weren't looking. There was nothing for her to do now except hope that the mouthy little greaseball in the depths of the ship was able to fix their engines in a timely manner. And hope that he didn't make any other 'improvements' while he was down there. She wouldn't put it past him, using this disaster to try and 'make the ship better' when she couldn't do anything to stop him from violating the [i]Lux[/i] anymore than he already had. She rubbed the coin around her neck, hoping that its luck hadn't run out yet. Andrea jumped slightly when Maria spoke suddenly, the pilot having missed her captain's arrival as she focused on her scans. "Give me one moment, and I'll have your answer." She brought up the navigation, whistling quietly to herself. "We got about of the quarter of the way there. We could still get there, only a little after we're supposed to drop off our deliveries, if the plumber down stairs can't find enough straws to fix our problem, but it wouldn't be pretty. And of course, that depends on if we're left completely alone for the duration of the trip. Which, given that we're going to be going into Glao space, is extremely unlikely. We'd be covered in pirates like flies on shit." She shrugged. "Of course, we've got a Judge with us so we can just shove him in the frontline and either he'll die or they will. A win win, as far as I can see."