[@DeadDrop][@Katthaj][@Oak7ree][@FrostedCaramel][@CaptainBritton][@Jamesyco][@Hank][@caliban22] This is both an Advanced roleplay, and one that I believe requires 'audience participation'; I realise my posts as GM have not been mindblowing, but they are meant to allow folk to establish characters in any way the writer may want to - with background, personality, interaction between characters of which there has been pretty much none thus far. I also understand (because they told me) that at least two writers are unable to do so currently for their own reasons, that leaves six that [b]should[/b] be able to write a post. In short, I currently feel like I'm wasting my own and everyone elses time, in spite of repeatedly asking for anyone to step forward with questions or indeed suggestions. Am I wasting everyone's time, or am I misplaced in my thinking?