[center][h2][color=39b54a]Gabri[/color][color=fff200]ella Go[/color][color=39b54a]nzales[/color] VS [color=6ecff6]Momo[/color][/h2] Part 2/?[/center] [hr] Momo was quick to react. A sharp blare of music from her speakers amplified her leap to the side, keeping her at a safe distance from the much larger girl. [color=6ecff6]"Aw, let's not end this too quickly! This is fun!"[/color] she chirped. With a wave of her hand, she upped the tempo once more to counter Gabby's startling reflexes, twirling like a ballerina as she sent forth another flurry of projectiles. Trying to catch Gabby off guard with the opposite of her previous technique, she swept the dial. The drop reverberated through the room, another massive air blast accompanying it, hurtling towards Gabby. If all went well, her opponent would be too focused on blocking small ones to react in time. Naturally, Gabby's advance had been too straightforward and Momo had moved away before she could perform any offensive maneuver. Momo's maneuverability would be a problem, as would that of any villain with similar movement capabilities to her. Fortunately, Gabriella was no one-trick caballo. She had methods at her disposal for dealing with hard-to-pin-down opponents. The large woman knelt down at took a breath as she placed her palms on the laminated floor of the gym. [color=39b54a]"Let me show you la Pasos Del Tigre,"[/color] Gabriella said over Momo's music. She extended her legs and arched her feet and her palms, lifting her large body on only her fingertips and toes, spreading her weight evenly across every limb. She began performing a series of small, rapid hops with all four limbs, keeping stiff so as to land on them all simultaneously each time, while using her quirk to add a little bit more momentum with each hop. She hoped to close the distance with Momo by surprising her with speed, but the smaller girl was already back on the offensive so she had to lean to the right instead so she could avoid her projectiles. It started off a touch slow, but she built up momentum in just enough time to narrowly avoid the first projectile of the flurry, after which none came close to hitting her as she continued to build up speed, appearing to almost glide across the gymnasium floor due to the miniscule amount of movement her body was performing. Even the larger projectile signalled by the bass drop was avoided. The downside was that she didn't have any control over her direction due both to the rigidness of the pose needed to perform the technique and the momentum she'd build up, so rather than circling around Momo, she simply hurtled toward the wall the gym's entrance was located on. A weak repulsion from her right fingertips and a stronger repulsion from the fingers and toes on her left side allowed her to spring upright and twirl around so her back impacted the wall, the muscles in her upper back and glutes helping absorb the impact with minimal pain. Gritting her teeth, she opened her eyes and focused them back on Momo, who was surely preparing another offense. Gabriella inwardly questioned how she would be able to close the distance while avoiding Momo's plethora of projectile attacks at the same time. Then she realized where she was. Perfect. All she had to do was wait for the right moment. [color=6ecff6]"Ooh, those moves really are quite something!"[/color] Momo squealed as Gabby kept in perfect rhythm with her own steps, dodging each projectile. This match had become just as much a friendly dance competition as it was a sparring session, which suited her to a tee. Even as Gabby's hopping technique lost its grace and sent her crashing into the wall, Momo was no less impressed. This girl probably still had a trick or two up her sleeve, so she wasted no time with her next move. She leapt forward, a bass drop coursing through her body at the same time and boosting the jump. With just enough distance between the two that Momo could easily aim while staying out of Gabby's attack range, she cranked the volume right up. Sound waves pulsed from the machines, through her limbs, towards her cornered opponent. Gabby allowed a smirk to wander onto her face. Momo had been doing her best to keep distance between them the entire match. It was a good idea, considering the obvious size and power difference between them. Momo wouldn't likely have prevailed in a head-on confrontation with her. Momo seemed only to go on the offensive while she was sure she was out of Gabby's range, as demonstrated when she stopped attacking earlier when Gabby got close. The fact Momo was performing such an overt attack now meant Momo likely felt completely safe at that distance. it was time to use the element of surprise. Gabby did a small hop as Momo fired off her high-volume sonic blast from up in the air. She planted her back, arms, and the soles of her feet on the wall behind her before she touched the ground, and with a powerful repulsion from every square millimeter of skin in contact with that wall, Gabby shot her entire body forward, rocketing toward Momo's longitudinal position. The maneuver had her out of the way of the sonic blast long before it reached where she had been. Gabby had estimated the force needed perfectly, her momentum falling off as she reached the spot below the airborne Momo. Gabby performed a roll to absorb the impact of hitting the hard wood floor, as well as reposition her body face-up on the floor with her soles planted and arms spread out. Another powerful repulsion from those same spots saw Gabby rocket straight upward at Momo from below, arms spread out in an attempt to catch the soundwave-spitting girl in a grapple which, if successful, would carry Momo straight up to the gymnasium ceiling with Gabby. The impact with the ceiling, pressed against it by Gabby's large body, would crush Momo, so Gabby would be sure to brace the smaller girl by wrapping her arms around her.