If the crew had been more aware about what was happening at this moment, this would have been a very strong clue as to why the Committee wanted the Ulnar's cargo. There were very rare cases in the known galaxy where species of any kind could talk telepathically. The only one Raymond could think of was a rather ancient race that just seemed to appear itself to the Committee. From what Ray heard about them, they could read your thoughts and emotions, and use a voice from someone most dear to you to help negate hostility... They scared the Committee, to say the least, and the race keeps to itself, and almost never interacts with any other race unless they have to. Raymond always thought it was because they were very aware of their abilities, that if they showed the galaxy what they could truly do, they would be killed to extinction. The Captain of the Marauders would relate his crew to that race, but knew that there were far different circumstances. The Crew of the Monroe were talented, they had their abilities and Raymond did his best to utilize them, but at the same time they were marked for death. For some of them, that's what they expected. They weren't suited to live a "Normal" life. It was the people like Rae, Tony, and now even Tango that he felt bad for. They were willing to jump aboard... So as Josk would do her signature flirting/insulting,Astrid bantered with the crew, Rae did her best to keep her newfound emotions in check, and the rest of them idled by, Raymond couldn't help but feel pity for Rendyl; the new Outcast that would only seem to fit in on a ship like this. [color=lightblue]"You don't need a mind reader to know what everyone's thinking, Josk. We're all thinking that you have such a beautiful way with words."[/color] Ray teased right back after her comment about his plans. With every glance she gave he could practically sense the pheromones her body was producing. God help whoever fell into that trap, even if it was unintentional. He was going to ask another question to Rendyl before Rae had delcared that she was leaving. Ray immediately stood, a wave of dizziness hitting himself as well, but nonetheless trying to help her to the door. Ray decided it was best if he just sat down, seeing how the Doctor had managed to make it by herself. [color=lightblue]"Fuck..."[/color] It all hit him at once. The nicotine buzz from the cigar and the alcohol attacking his liver had officially spread through his whole body. [color=lightblue]"Tango... escort Rendyl to an open bedroom... Valanx, Tony, we need to figure out who the hell she is. We might be in real trouble if we keep turning a blind eye."[/color] Ray once again stood, his hands on the table, and looking over at the mystery woman they had just picked up. As he made eye contact, she would see a man that was scared. Scared for the safety of his crew, and her especially, despite his actions earlier that day. There was a subtle statement that Raymond would not hand her over to the Committee. Until the crew found her family, or a good place for her, she was doomed to be a part of the Marauders. If there was anything she could decipher from the Captain's tired and intoxicated eyes, it would be the phrase "I'm sorry." ----------------------- "Good morning, Captain." Raymond felt a sharp pain on his side. He shot up with so many feelings and emotions that it almost made him throw up. A crippling headache smashed into his temples, his throat and mouth were dry and reeked of cigar smoke. His stomach churned, his vision entered in and out of focus, but then suddenly, his senses somewhat cleared up. The Captain looked down to see that a metal arm had injected him with a shot, and retreated back into the wall next to his bed. "I'm sorry, Captain, but I was told to wake you up that way." [color=lightblue]"What? By who?"[/color] "By you, sir, last night. You said after eight hours of sleep I should give you a shot. I injected you with a number of helpful fast-acting concoctions that should help treat you with... hanging over." Tango's robotic voice obviously didn't know much about drinking and its effects. Despite the dull pain that was now on his rib cage, he was grateful he set that up. He wasn't 100 percent, but Raymond was sure that he would have spent a very long time with his head in the toilet. "You have a number of things to do today. The Admiral also sent you a message saying to contact her as soon as possible." Ray rubbed his face in his palms, and sighed. [color=lightblue]"Thanks, Tango. Hey, if you have any more of that stuff, make sure to tell the crew to use it."[/color] "Yes, Captain." Raymond stood, ignoring the small pain in his head, and the slight dizziness as he stumbled to his bathroom to take a shower, hopeful that that would help with recovery. He had to meet up with Rendyl, Tony, and Valanx so they can get more questions. [color=lightblue]"Josk, Astrid."[/color] Ray tapped his ear to open his open comms after taking his shower. Hopefully the two would start to be coming to, or at least hear him. Last night was a little crazy. [color=lightblue]"Are we still on course for the fuel depot? Will we have enough fuel to get there?"[/color] As Ray looked around his room, he had to stop and think where he put his... Wait, did Luirae win his jacket in a game of poker last night??