I'll bet! That's huge. Such a great plot twist! Man, I just love your characters and the thought you put into them and their backgrounds. You know that, but I feel the need to say it. [i][b]Hmm. I bet Hatter would get along well with Emma. [/b][/i] ^ Definitely! Because they both want to save everyone despite the odds being stacked against them? Now I'm imagining them working together. Best crossover ever. Save all the kids/Wonderlanders! [img]https://em.wattpad.com/4e4b0a15fd1c796e2b64a0c6f2d35ef1acdb66a2/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f55446867615f664d4243712d34413d3d2d3735353035313539322e313561663234383066643062653961383130303331303332393733332e676966[/img] Someone was absent? Now I'm really curious as to who they are, and what their errand was... No rush! Ghent needs to crack that journal open already. Oh, yeah, that's what I meant by fluff moment. I was under the impression that's what the term meant, sorry if that has a double meaning I'm not aware of? They're absolutely wonderful. It's so neat to see them at that age, and that's cool you were able to use inspiration from having kids over! Funny how stuff like that can aid in writing. You never know where inspiration will come from. Love the thought you put into the toatunt jerky. Is it weird I want to try some? It'd probably make Ghent feel a tiny bit better to know the bumps aren't warts. Think the damage has already been done though. :lol Sweet! I had him notice that about the cloak having that function.