[quote=Phobos] Viole rubbed the back of head with his free hand "Well the wound hasn't healed completely yet, with all the tight squeezing" He chuckled moving his haori and revealing a large gash across his chest. However no blood came out, rather it looked as if his body cracked. He put the haori back to cover it. He then felt embarassed by what she said. He maid himself look like a fool, so he dropped his head in shame. "Oh I see, well it don't what the word means so I just figured it was a name" He said, letting out a small smile. Something was bothering him inside about earlier. "Well you know my name, so I think it's only fair that you tell me your name" suddenly, Viole felt a spiritual pressure spike in the distance. It made wonder what he should do. Since he was Squad 4 captains, he was a special case when it came to combat. They were a vital role, one not meant to be out in the battle field [/quote] Aya gave him a confused look as she scratched her head. " You don't know what cute means? That strangely makes me want to hug you again...." Aya said moving closer with her arms wide out when he then asked her name. She then remembered she forgot to give it despite all the hugging she inflicted on Viole. "My bad, I sometimes forget things easily. My name is Aya Oda, according to the letter I got, seat Ten of Squad Eight. Also best friend to that sleeping girl in that bed!" Aya said pointing at leaf who was sound asleep. "I am also quite the hugger, so prepare thyself for another hug!" Aya said with a confident tone as she grinned and this time hugged him softly, as to not make him crack anymore than he was.