Lunise thought to herself for a moment. It took her a few seconds to come to a conclusion. When she did, Pircalmo revealed himself to be distracted by Meesei's mention of extending her life. He turned his eyes to Lunise with his brow low, unsure. "Father," Lunise said. "I cannot share every detail about Meesei with you. However, I might share one important detail that may prove pivotal. If you would hear it, it would be with the understanding that it must be kept in utmost confidence, even to other Thalmor justicars, or anyone of higher rank. This will be most important for your personal safety, which I would not risk lightly. Are you prepared to keep that secret?" Pircalmo clapped his book shut and puffed out his chest just enough to brace himself. "Of course I am prepared. I would not let something so significant to my field slip away without my knowing the circumstances, should I have the power." Lunise tightened her lips, but did not hesitate longer. "Meesei is a lycanthrope." While Pircalmo's chin lifted halfway up as if suspended partway through an understanding nod, he did not level his face with any sort of confidence. "Ah," he said, not expecting the answer. "Now that is where my expertise runs into...limits? Though, I do have one book that may be relevant that I have not got around to reading..." He raised his fingers and danced their tips along his bookshelf, eventually fishing out a book bound in green-dyed leather. "This was written by an anonymous author from Thorn, as it happens. It was only published within the last year or so, but the academic community is touting it as the most complete treatise on lycanthropy ever written. There are other sources that corroborate its findings, in pieces, but nothing has been this comprehensive before." He held it out to Meesei. "You may borrow it, if you wish." Whether or not the book was taken, Pircalmo returned to his chair with his other book and put it aside, opened up to some other page. "As for binding yourself to the Hist, I would imagine that is already the case with your Argonian nature." He gestured and held his fingertips together in front of him. "The few cases where -- admittedly less than ethical -- researchers have endeavoured to sever the connection completely only resulted in-" he breathed in "-all subjects deceased within a matter of hours."