Faoladh sat away from the group in the courtyard. He had no idea how to act or react to this sort of thing and he had never been much good at expressing his emotions. For that reason he sat, silently watching the procession in his Dog Form. He could see everyone crying or trying not to cry, smell the rain and moisture as it hit the ground around them, he heard Natsu the letter calling for a vote and some of the guild members distaste at holding such an event at such a sombre time. Faoladh had no opinion on the matter, he was just sad. Makarov had taken him in when he was little more than a wandering stray. He hadn't known Grey, Juvia or Freed very well in the months he had been with the guild, but they had seemed like good people. Juvia's feelings for Grey had been a poorly kept secret at best and it was perhaps that fact that made Faoladh the saddest. As the others voiced their opinions on who should take on the role of the next Guild Master, Faoladh found himself wondering if he even had a right to vote on something as important as the guild's future. He had only been a member of Fairy Tail for the past two months, after all. Regardless of his inhibitions, however, Faoladh couldn't help but remember Master Makarov's words when he had invited him to join Fairy Tail, how they were a family. If they truly were family now, then wasn't it his responsibility to have a say? Wouldn't that be the best way to honor Master Makarov memory and ideals? Raising himself to all fours, Faoladh made his way quietly through the gathered members, weaving between their legs before coming to a stop, laying quietly at the feet of Laxus, silently casting his vote. Sure, he had heard of Laxus' past transgressions, but he couldn't deny how proud Master Makarov had been of Laxus for striving to better himself, how hopeful it had made the old man. Faoladh couldn't deny Laxus the chance to prove himself to the guild or to his late grandfather. Laying quietly at Laxus' feet, Faoladh let out a huff, holding his place.