[hider=Gwen Nero][center] [Img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/f8bdd35c-8966-4f2e-bf36-86e236fed943/d96zqff-2e32c611-6898-4779-b695-c6ed62399d63.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2Y4YmRkMzVjLTg5NjYtNGYyZS1iZjM2LTg2ZTIzNmZlZDk0M1wvZDk2enFmZi0yZTMyYzYxMS02ODk4LTQ3NzktYjY5NS1jNmVkNjIzOTlkNjMucG5nIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0.VyFea0nMyJusncLvwg23DsBUip-EIIOTSAsy88ax7f8[/img] [hr] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjViYWRlMS5SM2RsYmlCT1pYSnYuMA,,/alex-brush.regular.png[/img] [hr] [color=8493ca]【 Age 】[/color] 21 [color=8493ca]【 Birthdate 】[/color] 19/January [color=8493ca]【 Perceived Gender】[/color] Female [color=8493ca]【 Sexuality 】[/color] Hetero-flexible [color=8493ca]【 Appearance 】[/color] With long blonde hair with natural, large ringlets and striking blue eyes, Gwen sees her natural self as quite beautiful. She doesn’t always get the same response from others though. Often, the first thing people look at when they see her is her leg. Gwen has a left prosthetic leg that she often does not hide. Instead of people being interested in her as a person, she gets a lot of attention and questions relating to her leg. Having been using a prosthesis since she was eight, she's gotten used to it, but she sometimes finds herself wishing that wasn't the case. Either way, even if someone got past the leg, they are often put off by the grotesque burn scars all along her left arm, the reason she more usually wears long sleeve shirts. [hr] [color=8493ca]【 Why are you at Spring Hill? 】[/color] Survivor's Guilt, PTSD, and extreme phobias of being trapped, tight spaces, and motor vehicles from a horrific accident when she was eight. [color=8493ca]【Residency 】[/color] 4.5 months [color=8493ca]【 Negative Effects 】[/color] It started as low blood pressure. Then dizziness and lightheadness. Then, a loss of balance and fainting when standing for too long. Now, limbs have started to fall asleep if raised for too long, and when the dizziness gets too bad, there's vomiting involved. Of course, these symptoms are to be expected when your heart rate drops to a mere 40 bpm as it has for Gwen. Even exercise can't bring her heart rate up past 60 bpm, which results in her passing out when she exerts herself. If this is what it takes to get better though, it must be worth it. If the nurses praise it as a miracle drug, then it must be. For there is nothing Gwen would not give of herself to stop the guilt and fear. [color=8493ca]【 Positive Effects 】[/color] Gwen has a very convincing voice, but only when she's emotional. That is to say, she can make someone do something regardless of that person's will. "Shut the door." "Don't touch me." Simple commands like those that don't cause the person direct harm are carried out by the other person for up to five minutes. Gwen, however, does not realize people do what she says because of a strange power granted to her through medication. Instead, she believes people are scared of her outbursts and thus do what she tells them to. (Commands using her power will be in a different color for clarity purposes in RP.) [hr] [color=8493ca]【 Personality 】[/color] A bit head strong, Gwen always means well. She is kind and compassionate, always wanting to protect those weaker than herself. However, Gwen has good days and bad days with her mental health, as many do. On her good days, Gwen gets along well with everyone. She has a good sense of humor, and she loves to write and share stories with people, and her singing voice isn't too terrible either, even if she's a bit self conscious of singing in front of others. On her bad days, though, Gwen can hardly be considered present. Trapped in a concoction of flashbacks, panic attacks, and depressive symptoms, she can actually be dangerous to interact with. If someone tries to grab hold of her to calm her down, it will backfire as Gwen lashes out just to be free. However, she also needs someone looking after her as she will forget to eat. Perhaps the hardest part is her belief that she shouldn't even be alive today. That she should have died all those years ago. [color=8493ca]【 Biography 】[/color] For the most part, Gwen's life actually hasn't been that bad. Born into an upper class family with an amazing mother, father, and younger sister, Gwen was happy and did very well in school. She had friends that invited her to birthday parties, which she was always excited for, and she liked to sing karaoke with her father. This all changed when she was eight. Coming home from a week long trip to Northern Arizona, Gwen's father became distracted while driving. In that moment, the car veered into the opposite lane and crashed into a semi. Because of how the car hit and compacted, her father died instantly, and her mother and sister fell unconscious. The truck driver was able to pull out her mother and her sister despite the car slowly becoming engulfed in smoke, but couldn't get the doors open on the driver's side. As the fire entered the inside of the car from Gwen's left side, she passed out. She woke up in the ICU in a mix of pain and a dream like state, but that didn't last long. She was in and out of consciousness for the next few days. When she finally awoke, she learned about her parents' and sister's death. The father in the accident, the mother from head trauma, and the sister, age five, from smoke inhalation. She learned how her leg, having been trapped between the seats, had to be amputated above the knee in order to get her out fast enough. Her life had been changed forever. Afterwards, Gwen went through half a year of physical therapy to learn how to walk with a prosthesis. It took everything she had to continue getting up despite every time she fell. With her immediate family dead, she was sent to live with her Aunt Josey (Josephine). Aunt Josey did not believe in psychological therapy being able to help someone, calling it useless at best and a scam at worst, so Gwen did not receive any help towards overcoming her issues. Instead, as she grew older and went through the hormonal roller coaster of puberty, the issues were left to fester, eating away her insides piece by piece. Her grades slipped, she couldn’t keep any friends, and the few dates she went on were a disaster. She barely passed high school one year later than her peers and got a job working at a fast food restaurant for minimum wage. A year later, Gwen spiraled downhill as her PTSD spiked. She lost her job. On the brink of also being evicted from her apartment, she finally decided enough was enough. She found Spring Hill through an ad online and told her aunt she would be admitting herself. Aunt Josey did not take kindly to this and told her that she would not be welcomed back. These were the circumstances Gwen entered Spring Hill under. Spring Hill was kind of like a dream for Gwen. It was an escape from reality, but it didn’t save her from her pain, putting her in a type of limbo. She got along well with most people there, but several of them had seen her breakdowns, too. Right now, she just hopes this struggle is worth it. [color=8493ca]【 Trivia 】[/color] Her favorite flowers are snapdragons because she has fond memories of her and her sister playing with them. She has a pillow with a nighttime prayer on it even though she isn’t religious because it used to be her mother’s. She believes in a superstition. Draw a star (asterisk) on the corner of a windowpane whenever there is frost, and the home will be protected from evil. Her father taught her this, who learned it from his father. [/center][/hider] [hider=Liam Stephens][center] [Img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/42/12/02/4212020fe37586a3707fcd2acbb83f84.jpg[/img] [hr] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmZmYWRkMC5UR2xoYlNCVGRHVndhR1Z1Y3csLC4w/aldith.grunge.png[/img] [hr] [color=f49ac2]【 Age 】[/color] 24 [color=f49ac2]【 Birthdate 】[/color] 23 July [color=f49ac2]【 Perceived Gender】[/color] Male [color=f49ac2]【 Sexuality 】[/color] Homosexual [color=f49ac2]【 Appearance 】[/color] Liam loves to have a bit of pop in his appearance, all the way down to his hair. Typically dressed in a bright red hoodie with dyed purple hair and a variety of prescription colored contact lenses (which he is naturally half blind without), Liam’s slight build stands out from the crowd. It doesn’t help that his flamboyant attitude makes him take up a lot more space than most people at the institution and calls for people to at least notice his presence. [hr] [color=f49ac2]【 Why are you at Spring Hill? 】[/color] Histrionic Personality Disorder that has resulted in harm to himself and others [color=f49ac2]【Residency 】[/color] 13 months [color=f49ac2]【 Negative Effects 】[/color] Occasionally, Liam’s sight will become blurry or disappear altogether for several minutes at a time. He has tripped over and run into many things, including doors and tables, when the blindness comes on without warning. While this side effect may not seem too bad, it has been progressing further in the last few months. His blindness is happening more often, and for longer periods of time, and whenever he can see, he has started to see black and white specks floating in his vision, gradually growing larger with time. At least his other senses are unharmed so far. (I have more extreme things planned to happen suddenly instead of gradually in the RP.) [color=f49ac2]【 Positive Effects 】[/color] Even though his sight is disappearing, Liam has found that he is able to sense things other people can’t. When he closes his eyes and concentrates, he can sense where everything is in a 10 meter radius that is steadily growing. However, he believes that this isn’t always accurate as he has sensed people before that were not there when he opened his eyes, mainly at night. In truth, he also has the ability to sense the astral and ethereal planes of existence, sensing things no normal human ever could. He has mainly used this ability when he is bored in his room rather than to be nosy. It should be noted that Liam can not actually see or hear anything he senses. He knows the forms of what he senses, but could not identify any colors, words, etc. [hr] [color=f49ac2]【 Personality 】[/color] Some people could mistake Liam for a narcissist, and in a way he is. He loves attention no matter what type it is, and he can’t handle rejection well. However, in truth, he just wants someone to actually care. To tell him he matters without being under any obligation to do so. In the meantime though, he will be a sarcastic asshole as much as his heart desires, flirt with the ladies, and cause as much trouble as he can get away with. That being said, he does have a good side. He is very caring and can’t stand bullies. He is likable and funny, and loves to put a smile on people’s faces. It’s much better than making them cry, after all. The last thing to note though, is that Liam hides the fact he is homosexual out of fear of rejection. As such, he plays up his flirtation with the ladies quite a bit. Fake it till you make it as people always say. [color=f49ac2]【 Biography 】[/color] “So. Emma. Would you ever go out with Liam? He’s kinda cute.” “He’s a bit… much. I’d rather date Henry.” Liam, overhearing his two classmates whisper about him, approached with a big smile and wrapped an arm around both girls’ shoulders. “Come on ladies. How could you possibly resist a face like this?” “Oh! Liam. I, uh… I didn’t mean anything bad by it.” He leaned toward Emma a bit more, causing her to scoot back in response. “I thought you liked me,” he teased. “We shared food and everything just the other day.” In a single tone, the school bell rang out, cutting their conversation short. “Sorry. I gotta go. See you, Liam.” Emma stood, hurriedly gathering her bag before rushing out the door, her friend close behind her. “Damn. You got shut down hard.” Liam’s friend chuckled from across the room. Liam chuckled in reply. “E nel passato. She’ll warm up to me.” However, even as Liam proclaimed this calmly and with his signature grin, he could feel a small piece breaking inside him. That night, he landed himself in police custody after breaking a man’s leg in a fight. This was nothing new, in all honesty. His parents would come and pick him up, he would be reprimanded, maybe miss dinner or be grounded. [i]But at least his parents would be paying attention to him.[/i] [hr] Growing up was rough to say the least. Once he was old enough to cook, he was expected to take care of himself. When his little brother, Nicholas, was born at age 3, he had to take care of him, too. During these years, Liam wasn’t too different from the other boys at school. Fast forward a few years, Liam found out Nicolas was starting to self harm due to severe bullying at school. For one of the first times in his life, Liam pleaded with his parents to pay attention to him and his brother. He pleaded because he was scared and helpless. He knew he wasn’t enough to save Nicholas. He knew Nicholas was at risk of dying either from himself or others. He was right. On August 18 when Liam was 14 years old, Nicholas died of asphyxiation after the bullies wrapped him in cling wrap as a “joke” and left him to get out on his own. The three boys who did it were charged with manslaughter, but Liam was not satisfied. If his parents had listened, this would not have happened. If his parents had paid attention, Nicholas would still be alive. He swore that day to make his parents listen and pay attention. It started out small, kind of. “Accidentally” cutting himself bad enough to need stitches. Falling off a swing and breaking his ankle. Eating bad food and getting food poisoning. His parents did start paying attention, now scared their remaining child might fall to the same fate as their first. They doted on him, always trying to listen or be there, and it was intoxicating to Liam. However, when his parents started to ignore him again, Liam discovered he could also get attention at school. All he had to do was break rules or become a disturbance. And when his parents were called in to a conference about him, they started paying attention again. Even if it was negative, it was still attention, and it made Liam feel better than he had when he was ignored. Over the years, Liam had a lot of hospital visits and run-ins with the police. But he was happy at least. Eventually, everything amounted to one final night. One final show for attention. Liam, after trying for years to make his parents care, decided to see if they did. He set up the entire scene. A suicide note on his desk, running water in the bathroom sink, a chair against the door that could also be pushed out of the way easily, and a barely understandable call to 911 as soon as he slit his wrists. The last thing he could remember was how woozy he felt as there was a commotion outside his door. When he woke up hooked to a bunch of tubes and strapped to a hospital bed, Liam was told his parents were admitting him to a psychiatric facility to get some help. He didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye before he was sent off the Spring Hill. Really, all Liam wants now is to get out. He has tried for months to show he is just a normal human, but to no avail. At this point, he has given up resisting. He has instead resorted to be troublesome and annoying in ways that won’t get him in too much trouble. The last person who truly caused a scene by saying things like the facility was killing them disappeared a little while after. Correction. She had “finished her treatment”. That, Liam doesn’t believe for a second. [color=f49ac2]【 Trivia 】[/color] Liam has a habit of saying, “e nel passato”, or “it’s in the past” in Italian, often to brush aside something he doesn’t like being reminded of. Pastel pink is his favorite color. [/center][/hider]