[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00aeef]Emanuel "Manny" Newman[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/163dc10b-061c-4aa2-bdaa-4c4f6cd4d02b.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] H6 --> M6 --> Apartment 1D --> M6 [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [/center] [hr][hr] The tram ride was honestly strange for the old dentist. "[color=00aeef]Didn't really get into the Stones when they were popular, but I'd enjoy them now I think.[/color]" It was nice to see Alexander enjoying the place, Manny was too. The tram felt weird to Manny. Almost felt like an old amusement park ride showing off the nearby environments and other points of interests of a ride. He almost expected the alarms to start going off and to see the tiny little dinosaurs eating the robotic staff members. Thankfully that didn't happen, last thing this world needed were giant lizards and dead people eating the survivors. The tour was nice though, the camp seemed pretty strait forward, and Manny looked forward to being able to see more as time went on. Manny was pleased to hear that him and Alexander would be sharing an apartment which was nice to hear. Out of the survivors, Manny felt he got along with Alexander the most. Plus there were not many people in his age range, even if this was a place with many retirement aged people he wouldn't know any of them. "[color=00aeef]Not sure I am ready for retirement there. But it may be nice to take things just a little easier.[/color]" Hearing more about living was nice, more people closer to his age, and regular card games. "[color=00aeef]If I am being honest, I haven't played a lot of cards. And the days I did were many years ago. But I wouldn't mind learning to play again.[/color]" He played occasionally while in his collage years, but he found it distracting so never really to into it at the time. Manny made himself up to what would be his new home. It was.... strange. What wasn't a surprise was that most of his gear wasn't here. Almost everything he had could be considered essential supplies. Between his shotgun, the shells, and the medical supplies, he didn't have much for him other then the clothes on his back. And now, that was all he had again. The clothes on his back, some clothes for the week, and a room resembling the room he had when he started school. Minus the desk. It felt weird to him. Starting this new life completely from scratch it felt like. It was funny to think that a handful of years ago he owned a home, owned a business, helped keep people healthy, provided jobs to people, was an active participant at the local shooting range, and now... He was on square one with nothing. The place was amazing though. Somewhere warm and safe to sleep. Somewhere he could study when needed. Somewhere he didn't need to worry about being eaten alive. His biggest complaint now, was lacking his gun. Sure, a minor complaint. But having it and knowing where it was was always a relief. When the military fell years ago, Manny had used one just like it to fight his way out of a stadium. And used it again to defend multiple settlements. Eventually losing it to the chaos. Then obtaining a new one while raiding Eden. Sure, this was to be expected, but this was a military camp. And that thought would always be in the back of his mind. What if... this place fell as well. What if... the military couldn't hold up here for whatever reason? He sat on the bed for a while thinking about it. There was no way they'd let him be in a situation to have the gun back. Nor did he want to be in one of those situations. He was no fighter. The lack of a gun again did remind him of something important. The place was secure. It was a fortress. It also had a healthy supply of food. It had a proper medical team. And he could build this new life however he wanted. Sure, there were things he would like to be different. That would happen anywhere he went. Nothing can be perfect, especially for everyone. But this place is surely a good start. Manny after packing his clothes into their new locations made his way back to the tram. It would be time to meet the locals soon, and maybe become one of them as well. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=00a651]Private Hunter James Monroe[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c08a6051-3ab9-4c98-87b6-05533c8b19e8.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] H6 --> M6 --> Condo 32F --> M6 [b]Skills:[/b] N/A [/center] [hr][hr] Hunter wans't sure how he felt about the tram. Sure it was nice, but the distence they went seemed way too close to be driving. It felt... wasteful. The little fans were interesting though, but seemed over the top. He liked the openess of it though, the ability to see around with ease, to feel the breeze, to jump in and out of the sides if he wanted to. He didn't, but it was a nice thought. He even got some words out of the Major woman. "[color=00a651]On mixed terms with most of the people here. Would rather nont push it more then I have too.[/color]" He said with a calm factual tone. Learning he was in a condo was something interesting to the soldier boy as well. He didn't know much about them, or how they differed from apartments, but it sounded cool enough. He was sharing it with a few others, some he had met, some he wasn't so sure of. But all had met Izibell and seemed fine with her, so he would give them a shot. As far as he was concerned, what kind of crazy person couldn't love the 110 lbs of muscle and love known as Izibell? While in the tram he avoided his probing for answers about the place with major. Seemed pointless right now, and he figured if he really wanted to know time would tell better then asking. It was nice to hear their sleeping spaces weren't set up like the base barracks back up north. They were individual rooms grouped up with others. Though kitchens were useless. bathrooms worked, and he wondered if the water still worked in the sinks in the kitchens? There was no paticular reasoning for wanting to know this, but he was curious. He added that to his goal list. As well as finding paper. He would forget his list if he didn't write it down. He found his room easy enough. It was.... bland. He wasn't sure what else to expect, but bland didn't seem to click in his mind well. Looking over his posesions was a rather grim sight for him as well. All of his gear had been obtained and stored. Except his clothes. Though he didn't really have the most regular clothing. He had a hoodie laced with duct tape and thick mesh. Decent armor in a pinch, but murder in the heat. But he still had it, so that was nice. He was left his boots, his worn fingerless gloves, and his camouflage cap. Though the thing that probably he wasn't really ready to see yet, a set of camouflage fautieges. They weren't his original ones from being deployed. Those were long gone now. This uniform was one picked up a few months ago. Still blank. No name, no unit markings, no rank. Just a standard set, waiting for it's own history. Though like much of Hunter's clothes, very well worn and used. It held some sentimental value ot him. Sure, his time in the service was a shit show every step of the way. But it set him up with the set of skills he needed to survive. And survive he did. And like the room he stood in, it was all blank, ready to be filled in as needed. He kinda chuckled at the Irony of that. A blank uniform waiting to be patched and set up. And an empty blank room waiting to be personalized. Sure, he had lost everything he worked hard to gather to make it this far, but now he made it this far. He would still need to work out how to trust these people more, but he at least felt comfortable enough to not distrust them. And they didn't kick him out. He wondered if this place was designed to make people feel like this was a fresh start, that things were starting over for them? Another question to answer with time. He looked at the worn uniform before leaving for the tram. This was his new start, maybe a chance to make ammends for some of the things he fucked up along the way. He'd do his best to make it work. But it wouldn't be an easy one. Hunter strode back to the Tram with a well diciplined pace resembling that of a proper soldier. Dressed head to toe in his worn fatuiges he felt ready to take on the world. Boots shined (As best can do without boot polish), cap worn strait, shirt tucked in, wrinkles flushed out, and what little hair showed was well within former military regulation. He walked with a purpose, and he was determined to show that there was more to him then some kid who couldn't handle himself. Plus, if they didn't want him wearing the uniform they shouldn't have given it back. Though he figured their own people here had their own markings. He sat down again back strait in the last row of the Tram awaiting for their next destination.