Welp, here's my final draft. Myserterious boy has mysterious background and mysteriously has magic powers with him wanting to unravel that mystery. Sorry for the long backstory... and sorry for all the Secret Books and Speedwings I'm about to try and procure xP [hr] [center][img]https://safebooru.org//samples/2735/sample_eb9841b8f77789a88eccf4e26e6d761034b51687.jpg?2848309[/img] [h3][b][i][color=0072bc]"Sorry lass, but I'm livin' life on my own terms!"[/color][/i][/b][/h3][/center] [h3][color=0072bc][b][u]Profile [/u][/b][/color][/h3][b]Name:[/b] Einar [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 21 [color=0072bc][b]Personality:[/b][/color] You would be hard pressed to find someone more self-assured and even more prideful than the most rich nobles and skillful knights beyond the fringes of the empire than this wandering Mercenary. Einar wears his confidence on his sleeve and makes sure to display it in full force with his haughty, boastful nature that is less befitting of his position than anything else. Adding onto this, he's blunt when he wants to be and quite courteous when he find it to either be beneficial or if he wants to get into the skirt of a lady. All in all, he can just be a straight up asshole at times. This doesn't mean his completely cruel or daft, as Einar is a man who life the way he wishes. He'll boast about what he can do the best, sure, but he isn't the type to try and one-up someone unless its a contest. If anything, he'll show more of a natural curiosity towards any sort of subject, whether it be the fine arts, magic, or politics just to name a few examples. Einar has a passion for learning about new things almost all the time, finding that to be a fulfilling life. To follow that curiosity is his tendency to mull over and analyze anything he learns or observes as well. Most of all, due to his lifestyle, he is also extremely greedy and can have a bit of a habit of hoarding useless knickknacks at times that he states he'll try to sell for a pretty penny. To add insult to injury, for everything else he analyzes, he is poor in sense when it comes to managing his own gold. More often than not, he'll tend to spend too much gold at times, sometimes leaving him impoverished and unable to afford a room at the inn or even a bowl of gruel. [color=0072bc][b]Backstory:[/b][/color] Einar, strangely enough, is an amalgamation of the different nations embodying the continent, whether it be a constant desire to learn and collect information like those from Dinas Afaraon, a fighting style similar to those of the knights in Reynes, and even having the physical build of a Themysciran but the face of a Lothian. However, all these traits and features were unified under the reality that Einar himself doesn't have a home to return to. The closest thing he can call a home are the roads he traverses and the inns he sleeps in. Even the circumstances revolving around his birth are a peculiar anomaly, as a band of mercenary's found the wee babe at their camp in the morning, swaddled in the midst of their campsite. As far as they knew, no sane traveler would of traveled along the forested path they had carved for themselves in secret through the Lothian Empire, much less follow them up the mountains. Furthermore, the closest town was days away and the few lookouts patrolling the encampment at night noted that they saw no one enter the site. It was quite strange, bizarre even for these turns of events, even going so far as to baffle them all for days on end about this whole situation. However, the one thing they absolutely didn't consider was leaving the baby for dead; they were professionals, but they even had standards when it came to human life. However, very few considered keeping the child around, opting to find the next town and not only look for a job there, but to ensure this kid found a proper family. Ironically enough, this group of mercenaries, known as the Ravencrest Company, would come to be his family for the next fifteen years. The Ravencrest Company is a traveling group of mercenary's who lack any sort of permanent establishment and in truth have much more in common with nomadic groups that traverse Alba as opposed to the much more secure and renown establishments. While they aren't a large group by any means, they do have a little bit of clout not only due to their charismatic leader but their efficient pragmatism when it comes to their jobs. Moreover, once they've completed their jobs, they vanish, making them feel more like a distant memory. Despite their plans for the boy, Einar seemed to always be enroute to become a mercenary, whether it be from those who thought that they could train another capable blade to some who had the desire to raise a child yet did not want to stop working in their trade. They were two days away from a village before one of the older members of the group, [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/36/2c/53/362c53b1475e6a2a55b2509200e0f04b.jpg]Agnar[/url], a former knight from Reynes, who was in his twilight years and acted as a capable mentor to the other members of the group and seldom performed on most missions, making him a perfect candidate to raise the child. Whether it was out of pity for the child, nostalgia or guilt due to his own family and past transgressions, the man was set on raising him and promptly gave the lad the name Einar. Agnar started small, determining what would be best for the boy through observing what he liked, before giving up on that endeavor due to the interest he displayed. Instead, he opted to train Einar with a weapon that he was not only the best at, but held a significant meaning to him during his younger years - the sword. The training started out small, between playing and swinging the sword around, to learning maneuvers, to feeling the weight of the weapon. On paper, it appeared that he would make a fine fit among the rest of them, but there was a difference between training and the real deal. On one of these days, most of the mercenaries had departed from the camp to resolve an issue involving some bandits; from what they learned about the job, these bandits had been plaguing this village for quite some time and offered a sizeable reward for taking them out. What the group didn't expect was that a raiding party had discovered the Ravencrest's camp the other night and retreated to explain the situation to their boss. While initially caught off guard from the skirmish, the small group had managed to think on their feet and rebound, utilizing every little thing around them to their advantage ranging from a few traps they were preparing to catch for some game to smothering some of the assailants with a tent and flames. However, Einar could only do so much at the time, namely just throwing pots and pans at them as the closest thing he had to ranged weaponry. Sadly, it wasn't enough, as the one who had picked him as a target found him to be easy pickings. Einar was swift, but the bandit was swifter and most of the others had been busy fighting swathes of others, so the boy was off on his own. When he had been disarmed through a simple swatting of his blade away from him, he panicked for a second as he tried to escape, the enemies weapon poised to split his head in two. What neither had expected was that during this panic, the boy blindly held his hands out and cringed, hoping nothing would happen. This wouldn't exactly deter the bandit, but during this time when he was shaking, he had managed to blast the man back with a powerful gust of wind, knocking them off balance. While he would remain confused as to what happened, he utilized this respite to retrieve his weapon, only to end up running into another bandit who saw him as easy prey. While he wondered about what he did back there, he attempted emulating that action when pointing his arm at the ground, much to the bandits glee when he thought the kid had no idea what he was doing. Of course, what he was planning was to shoot up some dust into their eyes, blinding them. It worked, giving Einar and opening as the man tried to hack violently at the boy, completely missing the mark. Exploiting the opening, he sliced open the mans neck, ending his life. He had no time to feel frightened, proud, or any sort of emotion about killing the man, as the same one who had assaulted him earlier had began their offensive once more. Hoping to emulate what he did once more, both were surprised to see a sphere of fire erupt from his finger tips, singing the soles of the bandits foot and burning a bit of the camp. While the flame was left alight, this gave the boy an idea as he used that distraction and made a bit of distance back to the cooking materials and such. Grabbing a canister of oil, he pivoted to see that same bandit and a few more coming onto him once again and threw it in their general direction. Whether it be out of reaction or annoyance, one of them swiped and broke the canister, causing them to be splashed in oil. Testing his new abilities, he held out his hand once again, only for a bolt of lightning to shoot out, electrocuting at least two of them, while the other two were caught by surprise when their companions were lit aflame, with one of the two running into one of them and getting caught up in it as well. The battle continued for a bit until the enemy had realized this was futile; numerous amounts of them had been lost and these had been no casualties from the Ravencrest's side, aside from a couple of them sustaining some injuries. They began to retreat, heading back to their base as the mercenaries chased them off, their own camp being a flaming, bloody mess. While they were busy cleaning up and figuring out how to allocate some of their remaining resources, Agnar approached the boy and commended the boy on his first outing, despite how dazed he appeared. Outside of the few praises he was given, he was somewhat deaf to them right now as he breathed heavily, trying to make sense of everything that happened, before Agnar caught his attention by mentioning the magic he used in battle, stating that he didn't expect the boy to have any sort of proficiency with it. Once the other mercenaries returned, stating their job had be plenty easy due to the bandits routing as soon as they showed back up at their camp, Agnar approached their second-in-command, a mage who was more known for utilizing tactics as opposed to slinging spells. This prompted a full on examination when they had the free time to do so, before it was discovered that he had a very high aptitude for magic, to the point where they considered him a born natural. Despite it all, Einar had no discipline over the magic at the time nor did his father have any knowledge of how to wield the arcane, request that he help him in training his adoptive son. The mage, while agreeing, never really had the time to assist Agnar in training Einar; while he was gifted at magic, he lacked focus and control at the time, something he would later learn on his own during his time with the Ravencrest's, as well as his own journey across Alba. He continued to train with the blade and bonded with his father, but as they both grew older, Agnar began noticing a few things about Einar. It started after after his first battle; after consoling the boy, he watched as he began practicing and swing his sword at some of their dead bodies, the blade not even coming into contact. While Agnar did want to stop, he discerned based on the look in his eyes and the way that he was handling the bodies wasn't due to desecration, but rather a strange, yet morbid curiosity in him. Learning himself where to try and strike, imagining a similar foe and cutting them down, but this of course extended beyond battles. At times, he would have at least five, maybe eight books piled up in his tent, either borrowed from someone in camp or a library at one of the towns or kingdoms. The information ranged between the type of political situation of Lothian to a fictional book about how someone was racing to cure his loved one through procuring ambrosia from the sun. This extended beyond mere books as he toyed around and practiced with his magic, though using it for more mundane matters like drying off clothes or being the camps embodiment of flint and steel when it came to cooking. It even extended to other miscellaneous skills like fixing up his own clothes, learning how to set up traps, or even some sleight of hand. This curiosity about the world continued as he went on, eventually working alongside the others on actual missions, that he would sometimes come back a little roughed up or injured from. This really didn't deter him from his more personal pursuits, especially once he learned the origins of his own background - being that of an enigma - from listening to one of the mercenaries reminisce on the past. This prompted many things, ranging from a barrage of questions levied at his old man; while he did care for Agnar, it finally came to light for him when he realized that the man wasn't his real father. Einar had mixed feelings at the time, from bits of betrayal to feeling that he loved the man regardless of not being connected by blood. What did began to fester and bloom though, was his own desire to learn about his past. There had to be a reason for his original parents to abandon him like that, right? That curiosity began to grow over the years as Einar left the encampments they set up for longer periods of time, venturing out to every village he could to look or find some form of information about himself. Eventually, it had reached its full conclusion with his announcement that he was leaving the Ravencrest Company at the age of fifteen. After discussing the details of his departure and debating against some of their concerns, he packed up his bags, gave his father and many of his friends a tearful goodbye, before departing on his own journey. This lead him on many different adventures over the years as he continued to seek his past, ranging from escorting a caravan of traders from Reynes to Zion to assisting in some research in Dinas Afaraon (acting mostly as a guinea pig) to lacking any sort of gold and being stuck on the isles of Themyscira for an extended period of time performing either menial labor or handling some pirates; at least the women were beautiful, so that made it somewhat worth it. Of course, he also did have some encounters with the Ravencrest Company, meeting up with friends and his father to have a chat over the jobs they had accepted over the years over a round of beer. However, during his last encounter when in Lothian territory, he announced what his next venture would be - that he would be looking to join Alnard small crusade. Whether it be out of some curiosity, a desire to seek his past, or just because he felt like it, only Einar knew as he departed the next day to the once bustling city of Garleton. [h3][color=0072bc][b][u]Combat Statistics [/u][/b][/color][/h3][b]Current Class:[/b] Page [b]Usable Spells/Weapons:[/b] Sword, Axe, Lance, Bow, Gauntlet [b]Mastered Classes:[/b] N/A [b]Affinity:[/b] Cosmic [b]Experience:[/b] 0/0 [center][color=0072bc][b]Stats[/b][/color] END: D STR: D MAG: C DEX: C SPD: D DEF: E RES: E LCK: E[/center] [color=0072bc][b]Abilities:[/b][/color] [hider=Personal Skill] [b]Drifter's Curiosity[/b] [quote]Passive: Your evasion is slightly increased. Active: Upon evading an attack, increase the potency of incantations and weapon arts until the enemies next turn.[/quote][/hider] [hider=Current Skills][list][*] N/A [*] N/A [*] N/A [*] N/A [*] N/A[/list][/hider] [hider=Unlocked Skills][list][*] N/A [/list][/hider] [color=0072bc][b]Spells, Incantations, and Weapon Arts[/b][/color] [hider=Spells][list]Black Magic [*] N/A [list][*]N/A[/list] White Magic [*] N/A [list][*]N/A[/list] Dark Magic [*] N/A [list][*]N/A[/list] [/list][/hider] [hider=Weapon Arts][list]Sword [*] Decisive Strike - A strike that deals more damage the weaker the enemy. [*] N/A Lance [*] N/A Axe [*] N/A Bow [*] N/A Gauntlet [*] N/A [/list][/hider] [b][color=0072bc]Inventory:[/color][/b] [hider=Items][list][*] Iron Sword [3/3] [*] Vulnerary [3/3] [*] N/A [/list][/hider] [color=0072bc][b]Talents:[/b][/color] [hider=Ranks][list][*] Sword: 3/13 (Talented) [*] Axe: 0/13 (Unmastered) [*] Lance: 0/13 (Unmastered) [*] Bow 0/13 (Unmastered) [*] Gauntlet: 0/13 (Unmastered) [*] Black Magic: 0/13 (Unmastered) [*] White Magic: 0/13 (Unmastered) [*] Riding: 0/13 (Unmastered) [*] Heavy Armor: 0/13 (Unmastered) [*] Flying: 0/13 (Unmastered) [/list][/hider] [color=0072bc][b]Support:[/b][/color] [hider=S Rank][list][*] N/A [/list][/hider] [hider=A Rank][list][*] N/A [/list][/hider] [hider=B Rank][list][*] N/A [/list][/hider] [hider=C Rank][list][*] N/A [/list][/hider]