[b]Name of Nation:[/b] Steel Legion of Arcana [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/595226906530414593/618185787967668311/Commonwealth.png[/img] [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Culture and Society:[/b] In contrast to Arcana’s emphasis on magic, rationalism, philosophy, and art, the cultural within the Steel Legion is one of traditions, reverence, and chivalry. Superstitious? Yes, but rarely overzealous. This because the men that serve in the Legion rank-and-file are all non-magicians and seek employment for their martial skills without mages stealing their glory. Feudal? Yes, but that’s because of the military command structure that bled into their civilian lifestyle. Soldiers are supposed to be disciplined and obedient while commanders are expected to lead by example and take care of his bannermen in either victory or defeat. However, the Legion does practice a system of meritocracy as any peasant can be knighted by the Grand Marshal once he proves to be a capable horse rider and fighter. The greatest complication of the Legion’s culture is the reverence and subsequent worship of the Steel Legion’s Grand Marshal. In the traditional sense, the deity is a woman despite leadership being a man’s job. When people revere and worship her, the deity will simply acknowledge their prayers but aren’t able to grant it. Despite being seen as a Paragon of Virtue, the deity is a harem-seeker that indulges herself in hedonistic lust during the night whenever she retires. This sparked theological debates in the Arcanan intellectual circles of the legitimacy of the diety’s holiness in the Pantheon of Gods. Whether she truly is a deity is unknown as there are no concrete records of the origins of the deity. The only evidence of her godhood is her claims that her parents were also gods. Which kind of gods was another debate that Arcana and the Steel Legion often ponder about. Most widely accepted theory was her father was the God of War/Victory as seen in her unmatched martial prowess in all of Arcanan history and in her accomplishment of fighting an entire orc invasion alone and winning while her mother was the Goddess of the Earth/Agriculture as her spot to build her home and later fortress-city for the Steel Legion was blessed with fertile soil and abundant crop yields. Whether or not she is truly a Paragon didn’t matter as the people accepted the fact that life is good and stable. [hider=Appearance] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/595226786665594880/617197088865779723/1f1d9bd1597c984799482d9f3c2cdf45.png[/img] [/hider] [b]History:[/b] The Steel Legion of Arcana is possibly the first time Arcana had a professional standing army which is important as time spent levying troops is no longer a factor in planning campaigns and crusades as soldiers are constantly drilled to be ready at a minute’s notice. Its origins as crusader order all started out with the arrival of the deity in Takanis during the time of orc invasions. According to history, an army of men from allied tribes were too scared to face off a particularly nasty orc army lead by a notorious orc warlord and his retinue of orc champions. While the orcs were intimidating the humans, the deity emerged from the nearby forest in full armor on top of her mount. She challenged the orc warlord to single combat and slew him. She then challenged the orc champions who were surprised and angry at their commander’s death. They too were defeated and killed by her blade. The rest of the army either fled or tried to kill the deity which failed so they ended up routing. The tribal human army was simply stunned by the quick turn of events and they looked upon her in awe. They quickly taken up her banner and soon a nomadic crusading order was established. Centuries went by as the Steel Legion roamed across the continent battling orcs and other foes alike. Whether they be crusaders or hired as mercenaries, the Legion gained more experience in warfare. While the deity was developing her lustful appetite, she was also studying the armies of the nations she fought with and against in order to reform the Legion into a more effective fighting force. Finally, the Steel Legion found patronage under Arcana and settled as a vassal order in the south of the nation building a new home for the soldiers. Since the deity was not concerned with politics, the Legion stayed neutral in Arcanan government affairs. [b]Territorial Claims:[/b] Between Arcana and the Regnum [b]Economy:[/b] Heavily agrarian based though its trade in grain, wine, livestock, clothing, and dyes but there is a strong industrial presence since the Steel Legion is entirely entirely equipped with domestic weapons and armor. Since there’s so much profits made from the trade routes, Arcana doesn’t have to divert taxes to pay for the Steel Legion as it is entirely self-sufficient. [b]Army:[/b] 40,000 enlisted men 20,000 mounted knights 10,000 heavy infantry 2,000 light infantry 8,000 longbowmen, crossbowmen, and artillery crews [b]Navy:[/b] none [b]Traits:[/b] The Castellum: the largest fortress in Takanis history with 8 layers of walls that are 6 meters thick. This serves as the palace of the Grand Marshal deity, a base for the Steel Legion and home to the families of the soldiers in service. It took 100 months to construct and two decades to pay off the debt. The Breadbasket of Arcana: the immense fertility of farmlands surrounding Castellum gave the Steel Legion immense political leverage as it supplies constant bread, butter and beef to the Arcanan street markets although the deity barely capitalize of this type of power. Strength through Steel: The Legion never uses any magic in combat, except the deity, and whatever magic that is used is reserved for the doctors and mages to heal wounded or sick soldiers as they rely on high quality steel and discipline training. [b]Foreign Relations:[/b] had assisted other nations in the past for the purpose of beating back the Orc tide [b]Rolls:[/b] Land Area: 1 (5 - 4) Land Fertility: 20 (15+5) Development: 20 (17+3) Land Power: 20 (19+1) Naval Power: 1 (5-4) Economy: 19 (12+7) Magical Reserves: 10 Magical Sophistication: 10 Other: