[color=7bcdc8]Fraul [/color] Green meadows scattered with flowers… the well-worn houses… the blinking stars above… Fraul takes it all in with a deep breath. He sits alone on a tall cliff overlooking the village him and his family used to live in. This would be his typical spot when he wanted time alone to think. His old friends, his parents, the terrible experiments. Memories of the past sometimes consume him. He wants to run away from it all and start anew but is too freighted, doesn’t know how. It’s times like these where he perches himself on this cliff under the glow of the moonlight and tells himself that everything will be alright, things will change. Fraul takes another deep breath enjoying the solitude when suddenly a thick fog quickly creeps behind consuming him rendering him unable to see his surroundings. Freighted, he kicks away from where the ledge was [color=7bcdc8][i]“what the hell is going-"[/i][/color] Fraul’s face smacks against a damp stone wall. The environment around is changing. Darkness closes in as much as the walls seem to. Only fragments of moonlight remain. Fraul freezes, this reminds him of that day. Out of the sheer darkness comes a wolf baring its stained teeth creeping forward ever so slightly. Its coat, so dark it seems to capture Fraul’s attention, keeping him almost paralyzed. And before he knew it the beast dove forward. Fraul shot up. His wolf-like senses are keen but seem to distort themselves during nightmares like these. The physical and mental strain his body goes through during the nightmare overwhelms him. Sweat covers his back and face, the contents of his dream running through his mind. After a deep breath it takes some time for him to recuperate, Fraul scans his surroundings. He sits on the floor in the corner of the dining hall. Observing the dimly lit hall, its architecture and the different creatures resting about. No seems to be awake at the moment. He decides that he needs wash up and heads for the bathroom, making sure not to disturb the sleeping students. The hallways are livelier. Noting the causal hum of conversations about him to students rushing to their own destination. Fraul picks up on the somber looks on many of the faces. He makes his way down several corridors losing himself, having to resort to asking directions before finding the bathroom. In it, he waits a small line to the sinks. Students wash their hands and faces and move on. Shortly after waiting in line I am about to wash my face when the intercoms go off. [color=a187be]"Wake up everyone! It's time to wake up! Your dorms are now complete and have been assigned. Please head to the student information desk to receive your room key."[/color] [color=7bcdc8][i]"Ah right, that’s what we do."[/i][/color] Fraul thought. After he gives his face and hands a good wash and hydrates himself from the fountain nearby, he finds his way to the information desk with some help. He found the short line leading to the desk. After a minute or so of waiting, it is his turn. The elf at the desk seems intimidating and it doesn’t only come from her height, which seems to match Fraul’s although the elf is seated. From watching the interactions of the of the students before him she seems to just have a short temper. [color=f6989d]“Name, Class, Race.”[/color] Utters the elf. [color=7bcdc8]“Fraul Weiss, spelled W-E-I-S-S, Gravitin, and um…”[/color] Unsure of what race to classify himself as, Fraul takes a minute. [color=7bcdc8]“I was turned into what I am. I was human before but-“[/color] The elf cuts him off. [color=f6989d]“Listen kid, I don’t care to hear your sob story. I’ve heard enough already. Just give me an answer.”[/color] Shocked to hear her be so blunt about it, but not surprising, she has a point. He thought. [color=7bcdc8]“Nocturne.”[/color] Fraul spoke half-confidently [color=7bcdc8]“I am a nocturne.”[/color] The elf looked at him with the same blank expression she gave everyone. [color=f6989d]“uh-huh”[/color] She replied while sliding my room key ready to take the next student. He takes the keycard, not considering asking her for directions. He quickly resolves this by noticing the general direction of the crowd. Upon following it he realizes it does lead to the elevator. His room key reads H-14. Although a lot has in the last few months of his life, Fraul is eager to meet his roommates. So long as they aren’t the elf. Upon reaching the door to his room he slides the card in the reader and completes the facial recognition required to open it, trying a few times before it works. Entering the room hits him with awe. The pristine lights that bounce off the shiny floor takes him off guard, but what really catches his attention is a part of a wall made up of nothing but glass. Allowing clear view onto the stars and planets above. He walks up the stairs taking how clean and empty everything looks, the start of a new life. As he makes his way up the stairs to the hallway, Fraul notices someone resting face down inside one of the bedrooms. I’ll introduce myself later. He thought. Fraul carefully walks into the bedroom opposite to the sleeping student and sits down on one of the beds claiming it his own. He uses the solitude and quietness to think. Taking deep breathes to calm himself while remembering his nightmare he had earlier. [color=7bcdc8][i]“Things will be alright”[/i][/color] he muttered to himself. This is the opportunity he needed to claim back his life. With a gleam of determination in his keen wolf eyes, he got up and explored the rest of the room.