Aedthel watched his guests take their seats around the fire with interest. To him, the seating arrangements did not appear to bother them. A relief. However, he thought he detected a cool reaction from Kerenatam when he was presented with the food. His words, "How quaint!", were cordial and well meaning, though the word "Quaint" had connotations of infancy and mere amusement. A hesitation, a peripheral glance. Not so much of a relief. Arlanna, for her part, was full of grace. Her and Aedthel had become familiar with each other over theological debate before he had gone on that expedition, but that was long ago. It'd be foolish to make assumptions about whether that grace meant anything at all. All that being said, he held Arlanna in high esteem for her knowledge, and this showed in the welcoming smile he gave her. To Kerenatam he showed no such respect in his gaze, rather a void of anticipation. A space which was like blank paper, waiting to be written on. A challenge to show his mettle, if you will. Aedthel turned to Kinn and began communicating to him what he wanted the guests to hear when the man to Kerenatam's right decided to comment on the hesitation. "Look here, a man who can't cook his own food. Here, let me-" He stopped when he caught Aedthel's glare. A savage thing. Wrathful and contemptuous and Divine all in one: a smite in a glance. The man went white. He was only a minor officer, recently promoted and yet to prove himself. The Divine did not need to be furious for him to fear for his position, and now, it was. Ran, a training officer seated to the right of the offensive man, also caught this gaze. Ran punched the offending man in the back. Wherever it was the blow landed, the man doubled over. Ran looked up to Aedthel. Aedthel nodded, and Ran pulled the weaker man off his seat, taking it. Enacting the will of The Divine had its benefits. Kinn spoke next. "Lord Aedthel is deeply sorry that this... boy was so rude. They showed that the role which they have is not deserved. Aedthel hopes amends have been made. So does the boy, probably." How Aedthel loved that Kinn could say what was appropriate.