[color=silver][center][indent][indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/3VGaV53.gif[/img] [@Rockette] [img]https://i.imgur.com/T69oJMB.png[/img][/indent][/indent][/center] Shadow, the name it currently went by, was a creature whose powers should have surpassed that which was of the mortal realm. Those who it saw as inferior and less than what it was couldn’t begin to understand how powerful this being of darkness was. Its very presence was able to render even the gods worried for their kin, but despite this, despite it being more powerful and more menacing than primitive young adults, Shadow of the Black was unable to move. As tendrils summoned from Damien Black, son of Nyx, constricted the limbless being in a space in front of the vortex that was both in a separate dimension -- a dimension forged from Emma’s consciousness -- as well as the one that the Demigods existed it. In a manner of speaking, Shadow both existed and was starting to cease its own existence. Damien didn’t possess the powers to push it in further. Had he not taken up the mantle of Siphoner, then perhaps he could focus on the being, but it was either put the others at risk of getting tangled up in Emma’s excess powers or absorb it and simply put the being one step closer to certain death. [color=black]”You think you can hold me, boy! I am above your comprehension! No mortal can defeat me!”[/color] Shadow screeched a terrible sound from its large mouth, begging to deafen those nearby. Damien’s eyes winced, his body trembling slightly as its horrendous sounds as close as it could disrupt the position that Damien held beside his sister. Eyes twitched and his ears started to bleed slowly and soon he heard muffled sounds. It only took him a moment too long to realize the muffled sounds he heard was the screech and soon his own concentration was starting to give way. [color=6c697e]“Emma, I’m not sure but this could be bad for all of us.”[/color] He wasn’t sure if she could hear him. Or if he heard whatever she said in reply. Like his name, the sight in front of him went from dimly illuminated light to a blackness he had not experienced nor felt since his first meeting with his mother. It felt very similar too, like right now, it felt like she was reaching out to him in the darkness. Cold hands wrapped around him, embracing him and lifting him up. As every inch of him became immersed in the darkness, there was a small glimmer of light that was attaching itself to him. Like a magnet, Damien was getting closer and closer to it. Instinctually, the demigod reached up to grab it. In his hand a twinkling star exploded in his hand, it consumed his entire being, but then he came out of it. Shining bright like the star that had swallowed him, Damien emerged, his hand still connected tightly with Emma’s and everything around him as it was when the darkness had consumed him. ...Only it wasn’t as it was before. [color=6c697e]“What’s happening--”[/color] As the black creature kept wailing about, it soon locked on with something emerging from the sky. And soon Damien followed suit, a feeling overwhelming him as the devil on his shoulder made him look up. When he spotted just exactly what had sent Shadow into silence brought a sense of wonder and slight fear into him. [color=6c697e]“They’re here…”[/color] [center][indent][indent][img]https://i.imgur.com/2kVuUar.gif[/img] [@HereComesTheSnow] [@Plank Sinatra] [@Krayzikk] [@NeoAJ] [@Caasicam] [@Inkarnate] [@MissCapnCrunch] [@Write][hr][/indent][/indent][/center] [indent][indent]Like meteors, they came down from the sky, each different colors -- all different colors, shining brightly in the night that was the sky. The moon had only added to the brilliance, radiating hues of all shades of the multi-colored rainbow surrounded The Seven. Their power was felt for miles. Damien could sense them from miles away. To think that they had fucked up so bad that The Seven needed to come out themselves. As the seven meteors crashed fifty paces away, the amount of force that was present at the exact moment of their landing created a cloud of dust and dirt to surround them and surround the entirety of the area. Damien heard leaves rapidly shake to the point where they were ejected from the branches and the branches themselves snapped. The ground around him started to break. Though it was difficult to see for those who weren’t able to at first, Damien had the added bonus of being able to see what most could not. And so he activated his Eye of Nyx, increasing the range of his vision, seeing through cloud and smoke, seeing past the debris. He focused on the slowly approaching group of seven and he saw them as clearly as he could given the situation. They were present in a way that was detailed in the texts. “The Seven are a legion of warriors permitted by the gods to use lethal force upon an enemy that poses a threat of bodily harm to the students they, as the staff, are tasked with protecting. They are also permitted to punish these students if they misbehave.” As he recited that part from the text he surprisingly remembered word for word, the pit in his stomach he felt before only seemed to increase as his Eye of Nyx deactivated and for everyone else, The Seven were finally visible. The strongest warriors of the Olympus Academy Staff: [url=https://i.imgur.com/5UpMuMg.png]Akani and Odeya[/url], The Huntress Trio: [url=https://i.imgur.com/pbz9Fq1.png]Saya, Mimi, and Lucy[/url], and, of course, [url=https://i.imgur.com/3cAx505.png]Anastasia DeVille and Brandon Montgomery[/url]. The Seven, who all were known for their intense classes, were also known as the frontlines and “ace in the hole” for Olympus Academy. The ones who answered the call to arms in the event that a call should be made. And as the Gods of Olympus as their witness, not a single face that looked back at the students were happy. [color=royalblue]“Wow! They nearly have it handled, Dey!”[/color] Akani, the least fearful one of the Seven spoke, a partial smile on his face. He spoke from a place of surprise. Odeya sighed as she saw signs of a long battle. [color=olive]“And look at how much they struggled.”[/color] She shook her head, spotting Emma and Damien and immediately narrowed her eyes. [color=olive]“That’s a call of desperation if I ever saw one.”[/color] [color=royalblue]“Well, just think of it this way: they did most of the work for us!”[/color] [color=olive]“At what cost, though?”[/color] As the conversation between Akani and Odeya continued, Anastasia DuVille stepped forward. She was regularly known as the one professor who didn’t play around and hated to be held back. During class, she was understanding but still very cruel, but on the battlefield, when she was able to fully unleash every bit of her rage that she could, she was a monster. In the terms of the modern generation, she was referred to as what one might call a tank. Her feats in magic and ability to cover wide-spread threats in a short amount of time was legendary among the staff and OA”s alumni. She snapped her fingers and without missing a beat, a nameless spell was cast that severed the tie that Emma Laurant had with her portal while still keeping it intact. Additionally, she had waved her other hand that sent a pushing force to remove any of the students at a safe distance from the portal. [color=e0115f]“Saya, Mimi, Lucy,”[/color] Ana spoke, looking to the three Huntresses. Saya held her Katana tightly, Mimi tightened the grip on her two pistols, and Lucy had a firm grasp on her polearm. [color=e0115f]“Secure the students and don’t let them do anything foolish.”[/color] As she spoke, the three armed Huntresses of Artemis went forth to round up the students. [color=e0115f]“Akani..”[/color] Her voice trailed off into slight embarrassment at the hyperactive male who was built like a Minotaur. [color=royalblue]“Do you need my help?”[/color] An eager Akani was ready to get into the fight. [color=e0115f]“No.”[/color] Ana coldly demolished his hopes and dreams. [color=e0115f]“Stay here with Brandon. The students will need you two for emotional support in preparation for their punishment later.”[/color] That was the last thing that Anastasia, Daughter of Hecate, said before she lifted herself off the ground with a levitations pell and slowly put herself three paces away from a near-death Shadow. As she examined him, it wasn’t a pretty sight. Despite how many rules they broke by not running away, her students did well by the teachings from her personally and the school. This monster, this...creature, was strong. Even in its weakened state, she knew that it must’ve taken them a lot and several instances of risking their lives to protect the school and their fellow student. Pride washes over Anastasia’s face as she quickly shakes it off. [color=e0115f]“I will put you out of your misery, being of shadow.”[/color] Her words were brief but in the time she spoke them, her hands were moving as both of her hands gripped onto both the left and right sides of the white portal. As Ana’s eyes went black, her hands did as well -- blacker than anything seen before -- and the creature’s physical form started to degenerate. With every second that passed, that was one less physical inch it had. In less than a minute, as if nothing happened, not only had the portal been manually closed by Anastasia’s magic but the creature that was such a threat was no more. The most anticlimactic finish to a fight since the ending of The Sorcerer's Apprentice. [hr] And less than ten hours later on the dot, life at Olympus Academy would return to normal. Or at least as normal as it could get for those who weren’t at Dallas Relo’s party. For those who weren’t present at the party, they were safe from the punishment coming the way of those who were. Sure, there were going to be acolytes of bravery given, but to the Headmaster and Headmistress, that wouldn’t be the case. Some of them took unnecessary risks from the perspective they choose to look at it. But if you were one of those who didn’t break any rules, then you probably didn’t hear about it. No, sadly this information wasn’t made public nor would it ever. As part of the punishment, those involved would make the solemn promise that what happened at the lakefront would never reach public ears. If they broke this rule, all of those who were noted in attendance would be expelled on the spot without question. So this would be the thing to keep them in school and nobody would hear about it. September 4th, 2018 would commence as though it was any other day. Nothing special about it. Just another normal day at Olympus Academy. Just ordinary...[/indent][/indent][/color]