[center][hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=f1c40f]Year 5: Part 3[/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][b][color=f1c40f]Date:[/color][/b] July 22nd, 2012 [hr]Map in Original OOC post - NPC's In CS Tab[hr][hr][b][color=f1c40f]Location:[/color][/b] Camp Mexico Beach: H6 (Quarantine: W) -> H6 (In Front of W) [/center] [b]Temperature:[/b] 87F [b]Humidity:[/b] High (Around 83%) - No Rain [b]Wind Speed:[/b] 15 MPH [b]Cloud Coverage:[/b] Overcast Atticus made sure that each of the new comers had their keys and that they worked. Walking them to their new homes as it were before moving along to the next. Giving each one a minute to look around and get settled in. "Soon as you are ready, come back to the Tram. We will gotta lot to show you before this evening. I'll meet you back there in a few," he explains to each. Once everyone is shown their new place, Atticus heads back to the tram where Daytona and Major are waiting. Daytona powers the tram back up as people start to return to get the fan running, not knowing how long everyone is going to take to return. Major is still sitting where she was, just looking around as the people of CMB pass every so often. Wayne, Hank, and Thalia seem to be the first three back. (Hank and Wayne are shelved and are just background noise now.) Riley and Erica are the next back. The came along Manny and Hunter. Now they are waiting on the others. Tatiana and Jack come back with Jamie. (They are shelved as well and are just background noise.) Atticus looks around and checks his watch, figuring the rest will be back soon enough. [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=0072bc]Thana Martin[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://i.ibb.co/72q4NFp/Sparrow1.jpg[/img][hr][hr][b][color=0072bc]Location:[/color][/b] Camp Mexico Beach: M5 (N) -> M6 (Parking Lot For X/Tram) [b][color=0072bc]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[/center][hr] Watching Ash, Thana just took in the moment. It was a big change from Newnan she knew. Yet, some things were the same. They had decided to try living together before Newnan fell, so this was just simply picking up where they left off. Last night had been nice, being able to be with each other, but parts of it were also hard. She had to open up a lot about parts of her past that she would rather forget but there were things Ash had to understand, reasons why she was the way she was. And they both needed to tell each other more about just who exactly they were. It wasn't the easiest of talks but it was needed. Now with it being a new day, it felt more real. More like an actual couple instead of just two ships passing in the night. They were different in a lot of ways but it seemed that in the ways that mattered they worked well together. Only time would tell if they could build something lasting while they were here. Hopefully they could. Looking down at he took her hands she chuckled a bit. [color=0072bc]"Yeah, well, we'll have tonight. And I'm only hangin' around with the tram to get a ride down to the pier,"[/color] she said quietly before looking up to him. She had work to do but if she could ride along for a bit that wouldn't be bad. And it would keep her from having to walk the distance to the pier itself. Her leg was better now that she had been moving around but she had just had two large steel pins removed from her thigh when she got back yesterday, so it was sore. She didn't want to push it too much. Especially now that Ash had mentioned wanting to dance with her tonight. They hadn't danced at Tatiana and Jacks Wedding Reception but then again, they had both been trying to get out there of there quickly. Tonight was different and the idea of dancing with the man was nice. It was something normal couples did back before the whole world went to shit. Any piece of normalcy was worth its weight in gold these days. Leaning up, Thana brushed her lips to his and smiled. [color=0072bc]"Come on, let's get back,"[/color] she said before she headed out of the room. [color=0072bc]"Don't forget to lock up,"[/color] she added as she headed down the hallway. She figured he could catch up with her easily enough. He wasn't the one with a limp right now. Heading down the stairs and then out of the building, Thana made her way to the street, stopping as a truck with supplies drove by before crossing and heading back to the tram. Some where already back. Climbing into her seat, she sat down and nodded slightly towards Atticus. [color=0072bc]"Just gonna tag along until we reach the pier,"[/color] she told him. She wasn't going to stick around for the full tour, she already knew where everything was but hey, a few more minutes with the group wouldn't hurt. Turning around in her seat she looked towards Thalia and smiled slightly. It must have hurt her to see Beatrice leave, but knowing that Thalia's brother was here was at least good in her mind. Having her own family here had made the transition easier. She might not have stayed if they weren't. No, she wouldn't have, she would have been back on the road looking for them. [hr][hr][center][h1][i][b][color=f26522]Nikola Warren[/color][/b][/i][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/a5805bdb46783a56f2408a5c58142aff/tumblr_ng6mp5bQBJ1rbw50xo2_250.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=f26522]Location:[/color][/b] Camp Mexico Beach: I6 (R: General Supply) [b][color=f26522]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[/center][hr] [color=f26522]"Oh my god, yes, I got it. It ain't like it's fuckin' rocket science. I load this shit up, drive it to these places, and like drop it off. Auntie, I'm a blonde, I'm not stupid!"[/color] Nikki half barked as she tapped the clipboard with the pencil in her hand. It tapping rapidly and then stopping as Nikki took a step back. Auntie was giving her [i]the look[/i]. It was a common look from people she got when she was starting to mouth off and about to write another check her ass might not be able to cash. Granted she doubted that Auntie would do anything physical to her, woman would risk breaking a hip, but Auntie had a tongue twice as sharp as Nikki's and she really didn't want to get verbally beat down, or worse, grounded. [color=f26522]"Okay, yes ma'am, I got it. Shit, sorry,"[/color] she said quickly before turning and rushing off. Pulling a cart over, she looked at the list. Okay, she had a lot to do before tonight. She was a little behind but Nikki smiled to herself, it was worth it. She wanted to get out of supply. She had been in supply for years. And before that, it was more than a year sweeping streets and cleaning up after people. She still would be if an opening hadn't come in. The place was growing quickly back then, so positions opened up faster than they did now. Things had slowed down now. To get a new job either usually meant someone left or died these days. Once in a position you could be there for years. So having a few days being able to work security, even if it was only a test, had been nice. Again, it had put her behind in her Supply duties but it was so worth it. Nikki had been curious about the new people and getting to see them up close was fun. The two girls who seemed to be dating looked like they would be fun to hang out with. Sparrow was back, so maybe she would let her start running with her again, when she wasn't up that one guys ass. The two older dudes who spent nearly ever minute in their recliners were funny as hell to her. The one armed girl seemed tough as nails and now she found out she was related to Joaquin, now that was some shit. Then there was that Hunter kid, she still wasn't sure what to think about him. He seemed okay and he was a decent kisser but after that whole scene she had been pulled aside by one person and warned to watch her ass. To which she brushed of course. Like Nikki really listened half the time. Bobbing in place, she hummed to herself as she went down the check list. There were a few stops that she had to make today. Mechanics needed some stuff, the mess hall needed a lot since they were prepping for tonight, and then it was down to the beach to deliver supplies down there and help with set up. Tonight was going to be so much fun. The beach parties usually were but she knew everyone here. Now there were going to be new people! It meant that things would be different than it normally was. Sure, change wasn't always good but hey, she figured today it was. Seeing the same people day in and day out could get boring, and well when she got bored she got into trouble. Maybe she would be a good girl tonight? Snickering to herself, she thought, yeah fucking right.