Fights always ended up becoming a blur to some degree or another in the end, a series of actions and reactions, motions and attacks. And even though Joshua hadn’t wanted to be part of this fight, the wolf in his blood responded to the scent of fear in the air, the sounds of his pack attacking and hunting. He had struggled at first against the desire to bare his fangs in an attack or raise his claws to cause injury, but the animalistic nature of his beast was growing stronger than his self control and eventually he found himself leaping into the action, a snarl sliding from between his exposed teeth. at one point, he found himself biting down on the leg of a man that had fallen to the ground, and Joshua had just enough time to react to the human‘s sudden movement to dance out of the way of a blow from a spiked mace, though the weapon managed to slash a few cuts across his shoulder before he had completely gotten out of range. Hissing through his teeth at the sudden sharp sting, the red werewolf had just prepared himself to leap onto his attacker when a sudden yelp exploded from behind him, completely distracting him. Whirling around, Joshua caught sight of Brandt staggering to one side, the hilt of a knife poking through his fur on his ribs and a figure running away from him into the trees. Almost instantly, he ran forward, pursuing the figure into the forest. An arrow thudding into one of his hind legs slowed Joshua down almost instantly, an involuntary cry of pain torn from his throat as he stumbled. Snarling fiercely, he clamped his teeth on the shaft of the arrow, just able to sync his fangs into the end near the feathers and yanked it free of his skin, golden eyes instantly hunting for the wielder of the bow. But before he could locate them, another werewolf ran past, refocusing his attention on the trees and the person who had attacked Brandt. Temporarily torn, Joshua eventually decided to pursue his first target in favor of the one with the arrows, not exactly keen on the idea of getting hit with another one. With a limp to his stride, he followed after the other wolf, picking up traces of the human that had run into the forest, the smell of blood mixing with their fear and adrenaline. Ears perking as he caught the sound of heavy breathing, Joshua watched the other wolf step out into a clearing, angular head swiveling back and forth, jaws parting in a threatening growl.