Elodie kept her eyes on the Bandit King as well. Despite being aflame and injured, the man certainly did put up an effort to not go down like a pig. Which he did anyways, once the rest of the knights stuck him full of holes and his boiling blood steamed out. It didn't make for a pleasant smell, for sure. Three hundred knights slain, but the mountain of a man must have never encountered a mage worth their salt. Lucky piece of shit. Her brown eyes, underneath the opaque lenses of her goggles, flickered towards Tyaethe, before shrugging. [b]"Pigs don't talk shit and swing slabs of scrap metal,"[/b] Elodie said blithely, [b]"And I got four more shots."[/b] With that, she strolled towards the smouldering body of the Bandit King, casually assembling a halberd out of her Blasting Rod. Runes were connected and remade, the moon-sickle edge sparkled against the fire-light surrounding them all, and with a tight breath, the brunette hefted her weapon up onto her shoulders. She shifted her footing a little bit, and then, remorselessly, casually, beheaded the blackened remains of the Bandit King. The executing axe sank deep into the earth, slicing through bone and flesh as if it were naught but a rotted log. Her brow furrowed at the stench, but that was the extent of Elodie's disgust. [b]"Well, now we know for sure."[/b] A lax comment directed towards Gerared, before her gaze was upon their Knight-Captain once more. [b]"Should be easy enough to lift now. Care to offer them a surrender, Fanny?"[/b] [@Raineh Daze][@VitaVitaAR][@HereComesTheSnow]