I've learned over my almost six years of marriage that you never mess with a small lady when she's mad. My wife is right around 5'2, but on the very rare occasions she gets mad (thankfully not at me!), I duck and cover and I am not ashamed whatsoever. (for reference, I'm 6'3 and was a powerlifting coach for a while...doesn't matter how big you are, just don't get in their way xD). Gotcha on those points. A plot is coming together in my head. I'll list it below for you to review: -The party gets together and Yuno/Revan discuss their findings regarding the True Sith. This would include Yuno's research that has extended for years regarding ways to stop Vitiate, which includes records and logs that the True Sith Masters left behind. In those logs, there's mention of three distinctly named weapons that have the ability to sever one's connection of the Force thanks to the Force-infused crystals that are embedded in the saber. The crystals can essentially act as "storage units" for Force energy, but only limited amounts. Basically you have to use all three sabers at the same time to weaken Vitiate to "normal bad guy" levels so that he can be fought with a chance to win. -To distract Vitiate-Arcann from going after the Force users, Neta is going to suggest disrupting Empire communications and defense systems. This is where Yerbol will help Neta, seeing as he has combat experience and without the Force, he's sort of useless in Force related endeavors. I imagine that Revan would want them to have help, so he would allow two or three Heralds to accompany them. -I don't know if you would want to have Aria and Vano team up, but would it be easier for you to have Aria, Kytra and Ethan (I'll play Ethan) to go after only one saber or all three? It might be less laborious for just one retrieval, but we learn more about the True Sith rather than abbreviated trips to all three locations. Maybe Vano, Yuno and Revan can go after the other two?