The doctor walked back in a couple minutes after Luke had set down the device in frustration. He did not offer any condolences or sympathy for the dropped call as he made his way over to the slumbering princess elect. Needless to say he surmised what had occurred to the heir to the throne. On the best of days connections to the nation's network were difficult to maintain and the storm raging outside had failed to abate in a show of cooperation for the residents of the village. Not only had he anticipated this would occur, Luke would have still been engaged in a conversation if he had reached the person whom he was trying to call upon. Once his back was turned he couldn't help but allow a smile to alight on his features as he leaned over his patient. It was nice to see that nature did have the favoritism of modern society. "I don't have as many options as I am sure you are used to," the physician explained as he carefully lifted Rhiane's head to thread a strap of the sling behind her, "but there is some pain medication for both of you. Some was already administered to you on your arrival, but the appropriate dosage varies from one individual from the next. Let me know if you are uncomfortable," he said, distracted as he carefully manipulated Rhiane's injured arm into the woven sling. It was of sturdier construction than the emergency kit but it was far from luxurious. Because a sling was reusable, most of the ones the facility had were returned once the person that had needed them was healed. He was certain if Luke discovered this recycling was common practice he would be aghast. "Should only be a few more minutes until she wakes," he said as he straightened and moved towards the window. He pushed aside some of the clean, yet frayed and faded, linen curtains. It was impossible to see more than a few inches beyond the pane because of fierce the wind and rain remained. It was fortunate that they had found the royal couple when they had. Being stranded in a damaged SUV would not offer them much protection for any length of time nor would it be beneficial to their condition. "No... no... I don't want..." Rhiane breathed with her eyes still closed. The doctor turned and swiftly made his way back over to her bed. It was drowsy rambling rather than cries of anguish. Sedation wore off incrementally and it took the mind several minutes, sometimes longer, to process that it was coming back to reality. The princess elect moved as if to turn on her side but her attendant gently pressed down on her good shoulder to prevent the movement as she awoke. "I said..." she sighed with annoyance in her drowsy voice. She was recalling her frustrations in discovering that Luke had tricked her and that the staff of the clinic wasn't going to let her refuse every treatment option. "You... " she finally said as her eyes fluttered open. The doctor tried to smile but also grimaced slightly. Rhiane hadn't been conscious long in his presence before they had forced her into the realm of dreams for the purposes of recovery and preventing further harm to herself, but he was acquainted with her fierce opposition to any sensible medical suggestion. He had no illusions about her peacefully accepting that he had placed her fractured arm in a sling. "Your security force has already been advised you're here and are en route," the doctor said, cutting her off preemptively. "Prince Luke is awake. He gave me authorization to place your arm in a sling. I am going to get some drinks for you," he said meaningfully, "and give you a chance to talk. If you need me there are small buttons beside your bed that will ring the other rooms to let me know you need assistance." "I don't need any of this!" Rhiane protested but the taller, older man had already decided to give Luke an opportunity to persuade his fiance and left through one of the two doors to the room; the other was a bathroom. If the former farmer became too agitated he'd intervene and tend to her but she wasn't in any imminent danger as of yet. If they were really an engaged pair in love surely Luke would deliver on his casual promises to keep her calm and relatively complacent.