Lucien could tell, just by expression alone, that Illyana knew exactly how bad their situation was, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. He knew her well enough. He didn't mind the silence that followed, letting Illyana continue to contemplate. He didn't want to rush her on this. Her opinion was important to him. The addition of the fortune teller had allowed him to find plenty more people for their circus. It wasn't just about the show. It was a lot more than that for the ringleader. This was their home, to some, it was all the family they had. That was why this situation was a lot more stressful for him than he outwardly showed. He didn't want to worry everyone. When Illy finally spoke up, he let out a small sigh. He averted his gaze briefly, aware that accepting this would be difficult. [color=burlywood]"I understand that. You know it was why I dropped it. I do trust your instinct, but I honestly do not know what else I can do.."[/color] Lucien was not particularly sure if his words would be enough to get her to agree to this. After all he needed her help if they would even have a slim chance of finding him. Without her cooperation this would get them nowhere, and he didn't want to force her into it either. His expression grew pensive as he weighed his options. A reasonable agreement for both of them. He did not want his desperation to lead him into making a decision that could put the rest of the members at risk. These were his people, and he was responsible for them. He was quite determined to protect them. He lightly tapped his index finger against the top of his desk as he contemplated his options. Perhaps if he reassured her of with how he planned to approach this, she might be more inclined to agree. Finally, the nephilim broke the silence. [color=burlywood]"I do not wish to be reckless about this. First of all, we do not even know where he is. If he's too far for us to reach him with our current resources, then it's not worth seeking him. Could I at least ask you to pin point his current location? If he happens to be close, then I wish to go find him. I want to judge for myself what kind of man he is. If I feel he is too dangerous, then I will not ask him to join us. If he isn't then.. I'd like to give him a chance. You know I do not do this for greed. It's out of necessity, Illy. Too many people rely on us."[/color] He glanced toward one of the windows in his trailer at he spoke, vaguely seeing a couple of the carnies going to aid in finishing taking down one of the larger tents. He wanted to give these people their best chance, and that was not something he could do if he could not even afford to feed them or provide them with a decent wage.