I don’t have time to finish my application tonight. However, I figured why not drop a placeholder with a small tease of what I had in mind? [hider=Sioux][center][h1][color=blanchedalmond][i][/i][/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/nPPrvNW.jpg[/img] [color=blanchedalmond][b]Name:[/b][/color] Cheyenne Sataka - [i]Sioux[/i] [color=blanchedalmond][b]Age:[/b][/color] 22 [i]Warrior Spirit Immortal[/i] [color=blanchedalmond][b]Birthdate:[/b][/color] [i] 05/22 [/i] [color=blanchedalmond][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=blanchedalmond][b]Nationality:[/b][/color] Native American [hr] [color=blanchedalmond][h1]Appearance:[/h1][/color] [b][color=blanchedalmond]Height:[/color][/b] [i]Five feet, nine inches.[/i] [b][color=blanchedalmond]Weight:[/color][/b] [i]Wouldn’t you like to know.[/i] [b][color=blanchedalmond]Fashion Sense:[/color][/b] [i]Casual clothing ranges from simple sundresses to a comfortable t-shirt and shorts. She is fond of white and shades of blue, though browns and yellows will sometimes be thrown in to keep things fresh. Her combat attire is typically that of a showy military uniform with a skirt in tune, though, when more specialized work is required of her a black bodysuit is worn instead. [/i] [b][color=blanchedalmond]Distinguishing Features:[/color][/b] [i]Her hair grows in naturally snow-white, her eyes are also a very notable vibrant yellow-gold. She would stick out in a crowd regardless of how much she wouldn’t want this to be. When utilizing specific aspects of her inherited ability her eyes may glow red. [/i] [hr] [color=blanchedalmond][h1]Biography:[/h1][/color] [b][color=blanchedalmond]Personality Questions:[/color][/b] [i]Pick three and answer in character.[/i] [hider=questions] Q• A good friend of yours abandons you and everyone they know in the pursuit of strength, how do you feel? A• “Sometimes you must forsake the world, and everybody you know in order to acquire something more important. You will not be forgotten friend, may the spirit world welcome you with open arms.” Q• How do you feel about explosions? A• “Harmful to the environment, but sometimes necessary.” Q• You lost a fight, what are you going to do about it? A• “A Sioux is one of the rare types of warrior that knows when to retreat. Returning to the spirit world to early will not be permitted, not until my job is done.” Q• Where do you go when you die? A• “If you’re lucky, the ghost within you will pass on to meet your ancestors and fallen loved ones.” Q• Are you a bad person? A• “To the people of this world, perhaps I could be perceived that way. But the Earth is dying, and those whom continue to drive poison into mother’s beating heart must be punished.”[/hider] [b][color=blanchedalmond]Backstory:[/color][/b] [i]Cheyenne was born to a very traditional Native American family living the holistic life in the northwestern United States. Her mother carried the financial weight by selling homemade elixirs, salves, and other remedies that could be made with the culture's knowledge. Her father on the other hand continued the family heritage of maintaining ceremonies, keeping records of the tribe's history, and performing the rites for others within the tribe. Cheyenne lived a relatively normal life during her younger years. She went to school with others in her tribe, had sleepovers, fawned over boys, nothing unusual until her twelfth birthday and her own rite of ceremony was performed. She had been born with deep brown eyes like her mother and father, but since her birth they had gradually lightened further and further until reaching a vibrant gold color. This was a sign of greatness within her tribe, a sign that she was not meant to live a normal life like many others. As Dakota Deer blood was drawn across her cheeks her eyes flashed crimson as her ceremony began to end, and Cheyenne fell to ground in a psychological fit of fear and horror. Clenching her hands to fists and curling into a ball at her father's feet, he stood and watched though his expression showed a subtle pride. Others at the ceremony stared in shock, unknowing as to if the girl was having a seizure or some form of episode. But it was nothing of the sort, it was a transformation that the Dakota Chief had only read about. She was chosen by the Earthmother, and her life would no longer be her own. After this day she lived a life of conditioning, physically and mentally, her father could only prepare her so much. It was difficult for Cheyenne to find her sense of self, many of the thought in her own head were not her own. There was hundred-thousands of voices all speaking their own feelings to her, pulling her in every different direction, just who were they and why did she hear them? Her father took her one day to a plateau of great spiritual importance to her people, it had changed very much over the years but still buried beneath were many warriors who had fallen in days past. It was here that that she sipped spirit water and met the being that dwelled within her, which simply called itself the Sioux. It addressed itself as the Daughter of the Earth, The First Spirit, and the Primal God. Speaking with the entity enlightened Cheyenne greatly, as it spoke of the history of her people, their original reason for fighting, the purpose of its existence, along with many-many other things. And after the meeting was nearly over, the entity gifted the girl with a mission "[b]Protect the earth. Destroy those who hurt her. Do so in my name.[/b]" Years of training had altered the girl, she was [url=https://thicc.mywaifulist.moe/waifus/15702/83a4fee766521c0d1b97792001dd177b8793fb04e8a35e261af71e1fabd0f7bc_thumb.png]no longer any degree the same girl as before[/url]. Her purpose clouded her sense of self for a long time, but with seasoning she eventually overcame the burden of carrying the gift younger than any warrior before her. At the age of sixteen her transformation had been complete, she had become the messenger of destruction sent unto us by the earth herself. [/i] [b][color=blanchedalmond]Abilities:[/color][/b] [u]•[/u] Eyes of the Spirit Warrior [u]•[/u] [i]Countless years of knowledge and battle experience are passed down to the Sioux who inherits these eyes, but not only that, the will of their ancestors as well pressed the inheritors mind constantly. This presence can cause the Sioux to go mad at any point, losing themselves in the ocean of voices that floods their thoughts. But should they be able to overcome this with a hardened mind they’d be able master the eyes to their fullest potential. The Eyes of the Spirit Warrior allows its user to tap into the memories of those who came before her and utilize their knowledge instinctively on the battlefield as if it were her own. It is a pseudo-library of tactics, combat techniques, and many other useful bits of knowledge that can be drawn from at a moments notice.[/i] [u]•[/u] Gifted Master of Arms [u]•[/u] [i]Supplementary to the eyes, Sioux Warriors were masters of weaponry being able to fully utilize any weapon they could get ahold of. This affinity is passed down with each incarnation, adding more and more knowledge of modern and historical weaponry to the catalog at their disposal. Additionally to this, each incarnation is born with a talent for a specific type of weapon. When utilizing such a weapon that the Sioux has talent for, one of their golden eyes will turn red strengthening their senses to their maximum potential for a short period of time. Lengthening this amount of time is achievable, but ocular damage is caused when pushing the amount of time beyond what the user is capable of.[/i] [u]•[/u] Ancestral Guardian [u]•[/u] [i]The Sioux has a stronger affinity with the spirit world than most shaman of their people. Not only this, but because of their predetermined connection with the ancestors the Sioux is capable of directly calling upon them to such a degree that they may manifest in the physical realm. These ancestral spirits take the form of animals with a strong connection to their tribe such as bears or wolves though obviously much stronger than your usual furry creature. These spirits are also capable of using the Eyes of the Spirit Warrior causing them to be venerable adversaries in their own right when fighting alongside the Sioux. However, the true strength is when the guardian spirits endow their blessings upon her granting the Sioux supernatural abilities based on which ancestor(s) at that moment is assisting her.[/i] [u]•[/u] Ancient Dakota Bow [u]•[/u] [i]Many of the Sioux tribes were known for their mastery of archery. The warriors would begin training at a young age on horseback, strengthening the bond with their steed and working continuously at mastering their combat. When these warriors reached a certain threshold of skill the tribe's shaman would craft a bow specific to that warrior's strengths and this weapon would be maintained throughout their life. This bond of warrior, bow, and steed is so strong that it carries on into the spirit world where they continue to defend their sacred homeland even after death. The Ancient Dakota Bow is the Sioux's strongest offensive weapon and does not exist in the corporeal world until called upon directly. The bow is created through the shared strength of past warriors uniting against a single threat and offering their arms in defeating such an enemy, the results of which is a taut bow of porcelain-white wood drawn with a glowing crystalline arrow aimed at the opponent. The devastation caused by this arrow would cause even the strongest to tremble, tearing through physical material in its wake effortlessly as it travels at unimaginable speed until the arrowhead reaches the mark. When contact is made with the projectile's arrowhead a large explosion would be caused within the area, though what is more deadly is the piercing power. [/i] [hr] [b][color=blanchedalmond]Equipment:[/color][/b] [i][url=https://external-preview.redd.it/uyo5oCUL2ohPLe5oaef1rAtKGw2iGbk10RFgD7_XWgg.jpg?auto=webp&s=c8e177631d9536a951299e08ba19e86dc534f777]Mossberg 590 Shotgun[/url] [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/bloodplusanime/images/7/72/Gun.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120804045950]M1911[/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a6/a9/6d/a6a96d890d3003b54e1a0b8eebf90e27.jpg]Tactical Scalping Knife[/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a6/a9/6d/a6a96d890d3003b54e1a0b8eebf90e27.jpg]Several Stun Grenades[/url] [url=https://www.evike.com/images/large/enola-87185.jpg]Several Smoke Grenades[/url][/i] [b][color=blanchedalmond]Other:[/color][/b] [i]Anything else you think warrants mentioning.[/i][/center][/hider] [@Bluetommy] view it whenever you have a chance, nearly done.