[b]Blaze[/b] I open my eyes and turn to look at him. My eyes narrow. "I don't fear it."  I say in nearly a growl. Anger getting the better of me this time, then I remember. He wasn't there. He has no idea what we've fought. What I've seen. " We've gone through way more dangerous situations then I can even count. It's normal for this group. Armies, AIs, spaceships, hell a friend of ours was an extremely powerful reality manipulator we had to go and kill him. That is a long story. " I shake my head and then lean back on the floor staring at the ceiling. If I'm going this far he has to understand it all.  "No.  I don't fear it. I fear what it'll do to her and..." What is this shit? I'm sharing my feelings. I shake off my reservations and make myself say it. Just say it dammit. "I feel guilty. It shouldn't have been Flame, it should've been me, or Inferna. " When it was time to pass on the spirit both of us passed it up and thought Flame would follow suit but... she's too much like our mom. Inferna and I are cut from the same cloth, we look more like our dad and Inferna acts more like him. Flame looks and is more like our mom. " Flame is like her name. She's bright, beautiful, mesmerizing. She can also be wild, unpredictable, dangerous. I'm afraid that spirit will give her fuel until she burns herself out.  I don't know if it can be controlled. But you're welcome to knock yourself out trying. " I stand up and motion for Gaul to stand.  "My other sister will have my head if I don't do this properly. Up. Please state your full title. " [b]Flame[/b] When he caresses my lips with his thumb I go still. Mesmerized. I barely breathe. I have the strangest desire to nibble his thumb, then it's over. I bring my hands up to my lips, feeling the enchantment there. I suppose I should test it out.  I rub the whale goodbye before dipping into the water. Slowly, I sink a little and....I can breathe. I'm breathing underwater.  I bob back up and am already laughing. I can't wipe the grin off my face.  "This is the most amazing thing ever! " I shake my head and lock eyes with him. "As a little girl since I loved pirates I also loved the sea, when my mother asked once what I wanted to be when I grew up if I wasn't a princess, I said a mermaid because they tend to meet pirates." Now I can breathe underwater, like Ariel. I swim up close to Smough.  " Please, show me more. "