[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MzIHaGw.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/8XlJDkh.png[/img] [/center] [b][code]Town Hall.[/code][/b] [hr] Both bullets whirled past the mysterious woman in the center as Billy wasn't a very good shot. Both bullets splashed the water and served as a great distraction for Penny as... she was honestly unaware of how that mysterious contraption works. However, the real issue was Amethyst, as she didn't realize it but her dagger was launched out of her hands as she tried to grasp it. The knife went directly past Caelea and right into Theresa's gut, the girl fell over as her brother shouted. "Sister!" He immediately shot a portal at her feet that she fell into and Amethyst cursed her luck. Amethyst jetted around as she reached into her robe and pulled out yet another dagger. The leader stood tall and mighty as she shouted in another language, as Goro and the water bending girl took her sides. Their weapons were surrounded by water and fire as they flooded the room with both of which in hopes that they would either drown the group or smoke them to death. However, Lynette already had more than enough time to finish her glyph. It was a bit different from their original plan, but she made it work. When the glyph was finished it began to glow with blue color as a massive stone spire erupted from the ground, piercing through the ceiling and sending shockwaves through the entire battle. Lynette was hoping it was so sudden and abrupt that it bought them enough time to escape. There was a cloud of smoke, but Lynette used it as cover to change it from a spire to stairs. Sharon took note, as this could be interesting. "Everyone, let's go!" Lynette shouted, pointing at the stairs. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/C4njhfP.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/pzvcW5L.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/f4XE2MO.png[/img][/center] [b][code]Grand Ridge Academy.[/code][/b] [hr] The Hound blankly stared at Rita as the distance was seemingly closing by itself. The Hound was probably so terrifying that Rita couldn't bear to move, the beast simply said, "You do not have the option." The Hound shrunk to being no taller than Rita herself but kept staring at her with it's red, blank, lifeless eyes. The beast's fog engulfed her lower body and... she felt nothing. The fog of pure death made her feel nothing but the apathy of death. The fog faded, and she regained the ability to feel again. Both sensations and emotions. "I will leave with them, I'm just giving you the choice," The Hound let the words hang in the air as he looked behind him as he saw a figure limping over to him slowly. There was a small flame. "The choice to willingly give them over or unwillingly... either way, I shall assist." There was a sound akin to the call of a bald eagle as a fireball flew directly into the Hound and exploded. The explosion caused some of the ground to be alarmed. The Hound didn't even flinch, he merely craned his head as he faced Justin, limping over. He was covered in blood as he was desperately holding onto a makeshift bandage he made with some scraps of clothing. That was also soaking with blood... it was incredible that he was even still alive at this point. He fell over onto one knee as he said, "I don't know who you are, but I don't..." He fell over onto his side. "Impressive, but it is not your time, Justin Liao," The Hound said as the black fog moved over to him and filled his body up, lifting him into the air. "What are you-" Zoey tried to object, but she realized that his wounds were healing and he was gently put onto the ground. The Hound turned back to the ground. "So, I'm still waiting," The Hound said, "We must make haste, as the Glutton grows stronger with every passing movement." "Very admirable, but go to him-" "No," Jordan finally spoke up as she finally realized something. This was what her feelings were telling her; she had finally accepted death with loving, open arms. As grim as it sounds. It was like the Hound said, it was far past her time to die. She took a few steps over to the Hound, as she closed, and with a smile, she said, "I'm going." "What? Seriously?" Kimberly said. "It's... wow... I don't even have the words to say," Jordan said, "You know, I..." She shook her head, she was right when she didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry, honestly. It's meant to be this way, I'm not supposed to be the one that's living; there's someone else who belongs right here and... I'm selfishly taking her spot." Jordan shook her head. "Madison Brown died... a year ago today... or at least I believe it would be," Jordan shook her head. "But, that's enough semantics girl." Jordan moved in for a hug and hugged Kimberly and the girl was shock eyed. "Oh, okay," Kimberly said, "I'm going, to be honest here, I'm taken back, I'm not sure what to say other than... thank you for being my friend and... Goodbye." A tear streamed down from Kimberly's eye as she didn't realize it just yet... but there was a glow coming from her back. "I'm going, too," Madeline said. "Before we depart, are there any last words you'd like to share?" The Hound asked. Unfeeling to the ground.