Kathy, once again, translated for Hiro what Kassandra has said. He thought about it for a moment. "Is there anything that Kassandra could read? I can't imagine we would have anything entertaining to read that was also in Latin. Also... the books would get ruined in the water," he thought aloud. "I could start translating some books into Latin in my free time and then we can laminate them or something so they can withstand the water," said Kathy, also musing aloud. "Wouldn't that take forever?" "True...Oh! Why don't we just look up books in Latin online and print something out and then laminate the pages," Kathy exclaimed. "That could work," Hiro nodded. "I'll do that! You can keep Kassandra company in the mean time," Kathy said as she ran off. Hiro smiled as she watched Kathy run off. He was glad that he was able to trust her and that she was so willing to help Kassandra. But now that he was thinking about it, maybe he should've been the one to go get the book because he wasn't sure how good of company he would be since he and Kassandra couldn't even speak the same language. Did he even know any Latin? "Per aspera ad astra," he said to the glass, absentmindedly.