"Yes," Dahlia replied, "of course." There really wasn't much to say about what was going on. She was, of course, very interested on what the [i]ritual[/i] entailed. Would it be a consummation of some sorts? Wait, didn't that word have other connotations? No matter, what did matter was that she would finally get to experience that ritual first hand! Of course, she did have a vague idea on what it entailed. The writings at the library held vague ideas about the process. To actually go through with it? Well, she could record the process forever. The library, and by extension, the rest of Orario could have it kept in records [i]just in case.[/i] Though, that was under her assumption that every ritual was the same. There were certainly dozens of different fictional tales about adventurers being blessed by a god. One of them even... consummated the act. Though such an act was total taboo, it did make for something that lonely housewives liked to read. Wait, what was she doing again? Right. She went inside the house with the god, excited on what would happen next.