[@Duoya] "I'll take my leave, then. I'll see you later, when I get the dried wood" Cyrus replied, heading back to the village. He'd keep his word. There were some fallen timbers not even five minutes into the forest, dry as bone. Easy to get. He could have gone out and back in fifteen, twenty minutes tops. Instead, he headed back into the village, first to distribute the meat from his catch as he promised the shaman he would, but also to see another female. He made it back to his hut and he picked up the meat. He had given half of the animal pelts to Clelk, so he hadn't been carrying those one the return trip. Of course, he still had the other half which he had promised the blacksmith lying around on the floor, and he knew that they weren't to be traded for anything else. The meat, on the other hand... he had promised it to a few goblins, and he knew of one who might fit the bill as well as serve as payment for a female he wanted to see, quite badly. Cyrus left the hut, still carrying the carcass. He'd have to give it away soon, as there was no way the meat would remain good for more than a day at most.