[color=f9ad81]Nuna[/color] [color=8882be]"Wake up everyone! It's time to wake up! Your dorms are now complete and have been assigned. Please head to the student information desk to receive your room key."[/color] Nuna Mori, was not accustomed to an announcement awaking her. Her regal ears wretched at the appalling pitch that disturbed her slumber. One would think losing her family, being removed from her place of prowess, and now residing in the midst of common folk, would be enough of her torments. Albeit, Nuna's mental state far usurped any negative implications. Rising her lithe body into an upright position, she prepped herself to arrive at the mentioned location. Her senses seemed to be disconnected as she almost stumbled to the floor, rising to her feet. [color=f9ad81]"N-nope... not me!"[/color] The thought of falling as she was on board a flying spacecraft startled her more than she had expected. All the lights and sounds overwhelmed her mind as she was attempting to adjust to the environment. As she proceeded down the hallway, the metallic walls, glimmering lights, and unfamiliar faces all formed a blur in her vision. Her sensations were addled and she battled with these unusual feelings all the way to the information desk. She seemingly regained her composure as the monotonous scenery began to liven up and she stood in line to receive her room key. Wanting to expedite the process, she listened up ahead to hear what questions were being asked. From her position in queue, she gazed upon the random entities that were subjected the terse dialogue the elf worker prompted. [color=f6989d]"Name, class, and race."[/color] As she approached the desk, without a moment of respite, Nuna said, [color=f9ad81]"Nuna Mori. The druid of everyone's dreams.. with a nice mix of some Succubus."[/color] The elf may or may not have blushed at her quick responses, but Nuna exerting her charm, winked at the elf, took the room key and proceeded to the elevator. The elevator ride for Nuna was not quite eloquent. Near regurgitation and fainting were not splendid thoughts and/or actions. It only made her reminisce back to the times she was on land, supported by the earth underneath her, and wondrous views and smells of nature. However, the view out the glass was magnificent leading up to her designated floor. Once she was off the elevator, she trotted to room K-2, stared intently in one location as the facial recognition performed its function, and entered the room. She had no energy to be tempestuous and sensual with anyone. She simply dove into bed and said, [color=f9ad81]"Salutations, I'm Nuna. I wish I has some soil..."[/color] She thought to herself how awkward that intro may have been but dismissed the thought as she laid prone in bed.