Penelope smiled as Naida said she had plenty of friends to invite. Though Oliver already had a decent guest list, there was no guarantee that everyone that showed up would side with her and a peaceful end to the war. The more nobles they could invite—especially higher ranking ones—the better. It also gave her more hope to hear that Naida would be able to also invite a few nobles that were close to the king. Those ones would be key in convincing then. "That'd be great if you could, Naida. Whenever you manage to finish it just find me or drop it off with the Lenz's. I'll be working with them tomorrow anyways." she said with an appreciative smile. As Naida directed the attention onto Crow, she gave the viceroy a small smile. He was still new to noble life and since he had more enemies than friends, she hadn't expected him to give her a list like Naida. "Well just invite who you can. People are still getting used to you here and you're still getting used to being here so I wouldn't expect you to have a huge list." she told him with a small shrug. "I'm sure just you coming will help." "Yeah you saw how many people congratulated you at your ceremony after all!" Naida chipped in with an encouraging smile. Penelope gave an amused look. While Naida was partly right in her assumption, the knight guessed that some of those nobles had congratulated him more for the sake of impressing the king rather than trying to suck up to the new viceroy. However, she didn't say anything on it and instead just nodded her head in agreement. Looking between her friend and lover, she felt a bubbling mixture of hope and nervousness about the party as more things began to fall into place for it. "I'm sure the turn out for this party will be good though... It'll just be a matter of if I'm able to convince enough people." she mused poking at her food.