[h1]Introduction[/h1] Hello to everyone. Feel free to call me Madness, or Nora. I don't care what you call me honestly. I am twenty-seven (27) years old and a bisexual female. I have came back from a hiatus, but I will be very slow at replying due to the fact that I have a life, and things have been hectic for me. I'm always willing to accept roleplays as well. What I'm currently looking for is Akame Ga Kill roleplays at the moment. Also, I do not roleplay with minors. [h1]Rules and Limits[/h1] [u][i][b]I. Patience and Commitment[/b][/i][/u] I do understand that we all have a life outside the Internet. However, If you're one of those people that like to ditch others, then please do not roleplay with me at all. I have too many people do that to me. So please don't ask me to roleplay and then ditch me in the middle of it. If you do not want to roleplay with me anymore, please tell me. I am a bit fed up with ditchers though. I honestly would rather you tell me if you don't want to roleplay with me. I do understand that messages and emails glitch all the time and that's why I would suggest this. If you didn't get my email, either resend yours or ask me to resend mine. I don't mind at all either way. I do take at least a day or a few days to reply to the roleplay, depending on how busy I am. I would have to ask you to please be patient with me, so please don't spam me. If you haven't heard from me in a week, please send me a message then. I will do the same as well as I do get worried too. [u][i][b]II. Limits[/b][/i][/u] [hider=I will not roleplay] Rape Incest Bestiality Pedophillia Bathroom Kinks Eating Disorders[/hider] [hider=I am fine with roleplaying] MxF FxF MxM FutaxF FutaxM Smut Cussing Violence Yandere Dark Themes Bondage PM for more information[/hider] [u][b]Note[/b][/u]: My OC's will [i][u][b]always[/b][/u][/i] be female. [u][i][b]III. Length[/b][/i][/u] I am strictly a literate Roleplayer, so basically I would prefer if you wrote at least 325 words or more on each side. I am adaptable and capable of writing up to 2,000 words when inspired while I prefer to write in multi-paragraph form. However, I will try to match your length. I can write more depending on how inspired I am. I'm not sure how much though. [u][i][b]IV. Grammar and Spelling[/b][/i][/u] I do not care about spelling as long as I can understand it. Please no text talk at all. It is confusing and I don't like using text talk at all. I can never understand most of it at all. So please don't do it. I am not a grammar nazi though, however I do need to understand what you're writing though. If I don't understand something, I'll let you know. You also need to tell me beforehand if English isn't your first language or if you have dyslexia. I'll still roleplay with you either way. [u][i][b]V. Sharing the Spotlight[/b][/i][/u] Please don't make this roleplay about you. I exist as well. It is supposed to be about us. I would expect you to share the spotlight through out the roleplay. [u][i][b]VI. Manners[/b][/i][/u] I am going to say this once. Please be respectful when talking to me. If you're nice to me, I'll be nice to you. When asking me to roleplay, please introduce yourself. Don't just message me saying "Wanna rp?" Or "Rp?" Because to me, that's just rude. I will not reply to anyone that's going to be rude and disrespectful. I also will not accept death threats or guilt trips, because that'll make me not want to respond. It's happened to me many times. [u][i][b]VII. OC's and Love interests[/b][/i][/u] You play as your OC and my love interest and I will play as my OC and your love interest. I prefer to double up in all of honesty. I also will have to ask that you please do not control my OC. To me that is disrespectful. You could say that '___ had been given a bad feeling" but that's all I can handle. Otherwise, do not control my OC. Also, for love interests, if we have the same one, can we please not argue over it. I am pretty flexible on love interests, and just to warn you, some of my love interests are female as well, in case anyone is okay with yuri. If I only have one love interest listed, then that one I will take and will not change my crush if only one is listed. If we have the same crush, I do have an option that we could both have the same crush and be in alternate universes where my OC doesn't exist in your universe and your OC doesn't exist in my universe. I am open to that as well, as it is much better than arguing over the love interests. I have had someone threaten me over a love interest before, and I will not handle that at all. [u][i][b]VIII. Location[/b][/i][/u] I roleplay either in PM or on a thread. I am not comfortable putting my discord on the thread. I will NOT Roleplay on Skype or any social networking sites like Facebook or Twitter. [u][i][b]IX. OOC[/b][/i][/u] I do love getting to know you outside the roleplay. Feel free to start a conversation with me. I'm a really nice person, although I am quite shy. I won't bite though. [u][i][b]X. Have fun.[/b][/i][/u] [h1]Akame ga Kill Love Interests[/h1] My preferred love interest is [b]Esdeath[/b], meaning my OC will be a lesbian. My male love interests will be [b]Bulat[/b] (If you're willing to make him bisexual) or [b]Susanoo[/b]. My OC for the males will most likely be bisexual. [h1]Closing[/h1] I believe that is it. If there is something that you're interested in that I may have missed, just ask me. I'm going to put down a questionnaire for those who are willing to roleplay with me. You can either PM me, or you can comment on here. [hider=Questionnaire] Subject Line: Regarding your Roleplay Request 1. Introduce yourself please. 2. Do you want a dark roleplay, fluff roleplay, spice roleplay, a mixed roleplay, or a mature roleplay? 3. Who your Love interest is? 4. Which of my love interests you are okay playing as? 5. Limits 6. Private messages or Forums? 7. Do you want a love triangle or singles? 8. Your age? 9. Any plot ideas? 10. Is English your first language? 11. If my crush is a female, are you comfortable with futanaris?[/hider]