Penelope looked up from her food as she felt Crow brush his leg against hers. A smile found its way onto her lips at his words. She looked over at Naida as the princess agreed with him and added her own support. It helped knowing she had their support as well as their trust in her to convince the nobles at the party. And perhaps, they were right to. A god himself had entrusted her to convince the king after all. Though she still had worries and doubts, it seemed this was job she could do. "Thanks guys." she said smiling softly at the two. "I'm glad I'll have at least two people making sure everyone's drunk enough to listen to me." She added with a snicker. Penelope focused back on her food for a moment, finishing off the last bite before glancing off towards a nearby window. It was growing late in the day and she knew she should likely get some rest. Though she had had the enjoyable company of Crow all day, she knew she wouldn't be so lucky the next. If she was going to spend her day working with the Lenz's she was going to need a good amount of sleep to get through it. "I better get going. If I've got to spend the day writing invitations with Dimia tomorrow, I'm going to need all the rest I can get." Penelope sighed and then gave an exaggerated shudder. "I can't imagine all the comments she's going to make about my penmanship." "Good luck." Naida smirked. "I'll get you that list as soon as I can." Penelope gave a small nod and then stood up to leave. "Have a good night." she told the two, offering them both a small smile before turning to leave.