[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180428/81179b260873ea5d7d2bb904afb80c77.png[/img][/center][hr] Octavio sighed, as if the doors to his mind were creaking open from someone opening the floodgates once more.[color=#dde0c7] "That woman was certainly interesting. Under normal circumstances I'd consider her behavior ridiculous, but if our past exploits are anything to go by, ridiculous is synonymous with dangerous."[/color] His eyes looked at no one in particular, as if he were still talking to Lynx alone. Lynx arched his head towards the humans, eager to pitch in his own ideas. [color=#ffff66]"She's the one we know the least about, so we must absolutely be cautious of her."[/color] It felt strange to engage in conversation with people outside of Octavio, but knew that forcing himself to do so would be the quickest way to gain their respect. Octavio looked at him oddly, not having expected a response from him, but brushed him off the same. [color=#dde0c7]"Caution?" [/color]the words came out of Octavio steeped in disapproval. [color=#dde0c7]"Don't you want to do the opposite and have a better idea as to who we're meddling with here?" [/color]He felt himself entering the start of a long bickering match with his familiar, one of many they typically had, and forcefully stopped himself to save face in front of the others. Lynx followed suit, but not without getting some final words in. [color=#ffff66]"These are our lives that are being toyed with. You must be more careful when considering a course of action such as that."[/color] Octavio turned to the others, still discontent. [color=#dde0c7]"Well, aside from that, when viewing them as a whole... it's interesting that they know the being of many names. It makes him an even more intimidating character now, honestly." [/color]His coy smile showed the face of someone who was impressed.