[img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/77/a1/76/77a176ad00771f7d36a11454d5e7c393--dress-long-anime-chibi.jpg[/img] In the morning on Sunday, the blue petite hair girl roll over in her girlfriend's bed, kiss the sleeping Aura true name Aqua on the cheek. The blue-haired girl her name is Wedding. Wedding slid out of Aura's bed in a white dress like shirt in pink panties. Wedding, she own allot of pink undergarments it's the symbol color of the female gendee. Wedding enter the kitchen making Aura and herself breakfast. Little pancakes, little eggs, little bacon, little orange juice. Women must keep their figure up. Wedding dislikes it when other ladies who get fat like a man then expect to still be treated like a true female. Wedding love calling Aqua as Aura.