(Forgive me if I have my timeframes off. I probably do, but since this is just character development, I don't think it's that big of a deal) A chilly fog emanated from Solus' mask as he sighed softly. It wasn't even that cold out, but it seems that everything that leaves his lips is always ice cold. He looked to the side to see Cionus clinging to his arm. After the event that took down, Cionus got a little spooked. They retreated back to the side of a nearby hotel, and if it weren't for Solus' urgent protests, they would've been even further away. Despite Cionus' position as an Asylum, she doesn't take well to danger. Solus felt a bit awkward, leaning back at the side of the hotel, keeping an eye on the group nevertheless. Especially with Cionus on his arm, he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. He felt uncomfortable, and a little... ...afraid? Worrying so much about Cionus, he didn't even realize that he was too alarmed. Fear was an odd emotion for him to experience. Feeling introspective, he thought back to the last time he was afraid. The longer he thought, the more loose he became. He began to lose himself in space, in his memories. After awhile, a foreign sound of an instrument wafted to his ears. Because of his secluded life underground, it was pretty rare for him to listen to much music, despite his own abilities. It sounded... beautiful. "...Cionus?" Cionus looked up. It almost seemed as if she could see his face, his expression of wonder and enchantment, even if it was covered by a mask. "Yes?" "What's that.... instrument?" Cionus woke up from her own little bubble of thought. She was aware of the music now, and she too heard the sound. "Why... it's a piano. Haven't you heard it before?" Solus closed his eyes, indulging in the sound, the masterpiece seeming to emanate from the hotel. It came out quiet, distorted even, from the muffled walls of the hotel, yet it still sounded amazing to him. "I haven't... It's breathtaking." Solus looked at Cionus once more. It felt sudden, like taking a leap of faith, but he had to ask her. It would dig into him for the rest of his life if he didn't, if he ignored the impulse. So he asked. "Can you teach me?" The sudden sound of the piano stopping made them both look up. Two figures left the building, heading toward the group they were just with. "There are more members?" Solus thought to himself. Before Cionus could reply, he quickly turned to her. "I know you are afraid. I am too. But you have to believe me, whatever happens, I promise... ...I will protect you." Cionus, stunned, followed Solus as they returned to the group. Solus knew that whatever happened next, he needed to be there. "Solus..." Cionus stopped for a moment, looking straight at Solus. No, looking through him, deep into him, right into his soul. And she saw something that nobody else could. "Of course."