Lunise sighed and closed her eyes. "Very well. A few minutes." She signalled a hand in Pircalmo's direction. "Father, pick the [i]one[/i] question you would like to discuss now." "Yes, yes, I can work in a hurry, my daughter," Pircalmo said. He was oddly uninterrupted in his rifling through notes by the limited time they had. All it took was spreading a few choice pages over his desk, tracing his finger over some text, and pausing for a moment with bated breath. He turned his desk chair sideways and slowly sat himself down, looking into space with intense thought. "So..." Pircalmo finally made eye contact with Meesei again, taking up a quill without looking. "I would like to ask about early development, particularly unhatched eggs and hatchlings. Being in your previous role, as I understand it, brought you very close to the process. But first, I think it necessary to speak a foundation to our conversation, as the exact terminology varies across regions and customs..." While not speaking at a rapid pace, Pircalmo did demonstrate a well practiced erudition in explaining his surrounding understanding of the early stages of Argonian life cycles. Such was his skill in framing the information that he gave a quite understandable presentation in just over five minutes -- while leaning on more complex terminology known to restoration magic, granted, but that was no problem for Meesei. Pircalmo's following questions had several facets to them, likely as a way to weasel through Lunise's request to limit to just one question. They were mostly in service of filling in several crucial gaps in information; where Hist and ritual met biological and magical effects and the ways such interactions allow for the complexity in Argonians not normally found in other egg laying creatures. For Meesei, the challenges in answering them usefully were not so much their time constraints as were rephrasing the concepts in languages other than Jel in a way that made any kind of sense.