[right][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjI0ZWQyMS5VR1Z6ZEdsc1pXNTBJRVZ0WlhKaGJHUSwuMAAA/sickness.regular.png[/img] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjlkYjg3YS5WR2hsSUZCc1lXZDFaV0p5YVc1blpYSSwuMAAA/youmurderer-bb.regular.png[/img][/right] [color=lime]"Uh, actually, I'm one of the more knowledgeable players on the mechanics of this game. I've spent hours writing things down about how the drops and EXP sharing work, though even that seems to scratch the surface."[/color] Pestilent explained as she peeked over the cover to watch her drone. Good, still up and running with good health. It might not last super long against things, but as long as it kept up with it's status inflicting then Pestilent should be alright. [color=lime]"'scuze me one second..."[/color] Pestilent asked as she flicked on her channels to all teams. Due to her connections with every other guild leader, she could [quote=Royal Ranger... or at least, that's what the player handle said.] [color=7851a9]“Any healers nearby, focus on Saffron. We need her back at full hp as soon as we can. Everyone else, let’s try and blast a hole in that drone defense but keep a few alive. I get the feeling that killing all of them will trigger another nova attack or worse.”[/color][/quote] [color=lime]"P.E. here. Not a healer, but I'll give her a good amount of shield so the healers can heal unfazed."[/color] Pestilent explained before she retargeted her drone's shielding potential onto Saffron completely. All she could do then was let the healers work, though she figured that maybe going towards the big wall of drones was a good idea. Her drone flew over there with unwaivering speed before it shimmered a sickly green color, a wave of energy being cast out at every hostile drone around it as well as the Raid Boss itself. >Unfinished Agony used. Recharging... [color=lime]"Sorry, was micromanaging,"[/color] Pestilent turned back to Black Cat to provide some explanations. [color=lime]"I haven't worked out the specifics for Raid Bosses yet, since they're semi-rare and I'm normally keeping my faction in line, but from what I understand it's both a Faction-based Contribution and an Individual Contribution to gauge how much XP and what kind of drops you get. The Faction that does the most work through support and damage gets a big bonus to XP, while your individual contributions to the fight earn you a solid amount of XP as well. Same goes for drops."[/color] She explained, her tone almost like she had explained this a hundred times before, though she might've actually done that. [color=lime]"You will probably want to get away from the fight after it's over, though. Red players do like to kill newbies off to steal their loot at the end of a big battle..."[/color] [quote=Graphite Daze] [color=crimson]"And you, bunch of tryhards, get done with this already so that I can shoot you down. I'm going to die of boredom if I have to wait any longer,"[/color][/quote] [color=lime]"... like her. Graphite's notorious for being [i]that[/i] guy."[/color] Pestilent commented. She was blunt about it, and really didn't care if Graphite was listening. Graphite had to know that part of the reason this boss was going down was the fact that everyone's status effects just got reset by Pestilent, so killing her would just be a hindrance. Pestilent's eyebrow rose at the mention of breaking immersion. [color=lime]"I'm not much into the roleplaying, actually. I only do that so the others fall in line. You'd be surprised how many pe-"[/color] [quote=Fucking Gudanko] [color=coral]“It looks like even in these pestilent times, love blooms on the battlefield. How cutsey, how sweet, how…uncalled for. But the people love that lovey shit so keep on going!”[/color] [i]Evidently, her drone was pointed at Black Cat and Pestilent Emerald, the Yellow Deputy.[/i] [color=coral]“The votes are in and we’re already got a runner-up for best ship in the game! The crowd wants a cheer and a kiss!”[/color][/quote] [color=lime]"Bite me, Gudanko!"[/color] she shouted. The nerve of some people...