[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=87d0f2]Callie Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/385595321490735105/618646652835725313/image0.gif[/img] [i]Location: Mutant Underground DC Station Skills: Empathy[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Callie looked towards Jack for a moment and nodded, letting him take the pills, she didn't know his brother or him for that matter but she didn't want to be the one responsible for having his brother relapse after just getting clean. Her attention turned towards James again when he spoke before healing the wounded. "Once everyone is all healed and patched up, get everyone ready to move out, Cayden help out with that make sure they are all ready to get moving." Callie told him, now her attention was fully on Vulcan again she wasn't going to be interrogating Magik since she was one of their own as well. [color=87d0f2]"Tell us what is Shaw planning, i'm not playing around."[/color] Callie said using her empathy again to [b]make Vulcan feel fear[/b], as she said getting up to face him more easily. [color=yellow]"H-h-he wants mutants sc-sc-scared, out of options,"[/color] Vulcan stammered, looking incredibly pale, feeling satisfied with her answer, looking over at Waverly as she took out her camera, she decided against having sparks shoot from her hands to scare Vulcan more. Instead she continued to question Vulcan more on what he knew and what Shaw had planned. [color=87d0f2]"What does Shaw what mutants to be scared of, and who are in the Circle bitches you mentioned?"[/color] Callie asked, remaining calm still as much as she. [color=yellow]"Th-th-the humans... H-h-he wants to be the l-l-last hope for m-m-mutants and then he'll s-s-sell sentinels to the sc-sc-scared humans. W-w-w-wins on b-b-both sides...."[/color] Vulcan answered. [color=yellow]"E-Emma Frost and Reeva Payge...."[/color] Callie didn't know who Reeva was but Emma as far as she knew owned Frost International, looking over at both Blink and Sunshine they were attacked in the tunnels and now they had more information than they had before. She stared at Magik and her brother Colossus as well, she needed to know what they had done to her as well. [color=87d0f2]"What did you do to Magik, and what is she hooked on?"[/color] Maybe there was an easier way to get her to detox from whatever drugs that they pumped her full of with. [color=yellow]"I didn't do anything, honest! Sh-Shaw j-j-just finds strays l-like her, g-gets them hooked on Dr-dr-drug X, and makes them into H-Hounds... M-mutant killing machines...."[/color] Callie wasn't sure what else they had done to her or what Drug X was either, but she was pretty sure what Jack had in his hand was what Vulcan had mentioned.