Penelope headed off to her room and settled in for the night. Having had a rather nice day, she laid down comfortably into her bed and closed her eyes. It didn't take long for the knight to drift off into a peaceful, yet dreamed filled sleep. She dreamt of the war's end and her future together with Crow. Though some details were off, she was unaware as she enjoyed the fantasy world around her. --- The next morning she woke with start as a sharp knock sounded from her door. Penelope jerked her head up, being caught off guard due to how deeply she had been sleeping. She rubbed a hand over her eyes, trying to wake up a bit more. Assuming that it was likely Tybalt to tell her guard assignments, she got up and straightened out her appearance before heading over to answer the door. As she opened it, she found that her assumption had been a bit off as it was instead her father. She blinked, slightly caught off guard by his appearance and then dipped her head to him. "Morning. Did you need me for something?" she asked him. "I was just stopping by to give you the letters that came in for you." John responded with a small shrug as he held out a couple envelopes to her. "Oh, thank you." Penelope mused gratefully as she took the small amount of letters. Judging by their late arrival and small amount, she could only guess the letters were from Gavin and Olivia. The thought of reading what had been going on with her friends since the last letter gave her small rush of excitement as well as an eagerness to write to them all about the party. She smiled a bit before looking back over to her father who was taking a step back to leave. "Did Tybalt say anything about my guard shifts for this week? I haven't heard anything from him yet." she asked curiously. "You have none." John answered simply. As his daughter stared at him with confusion, he let out a small sigh. "Since you're planning for that party I figured all your focus should be on that rather than some meaningless guard shifts. I put in a request for you to have this week off and Tybalt approved it." He paused and narrowed his eyes slightly at her. "I would have told you this yesterday but it seems you had left the castle." Penelope shifted slightly. "Yes, I took a trip out to Bellmare." "Alone?" John questioned further, crossing his arms over his chest. "Well.. No." Penelope admitted with a sigh. "I went with Collin since the king gave him a day off. And before you say anything, the rumors you've been hearing aren't true and he explained everything to me already.. After that we just wanted to spend some time together so I showed him around Bellmare a bit. He made sure no one saw his face though and we still kept a distance though." John fell quiet for a moment before letting out a sigh. "Well, so long as you're being careful.. You truly believe his words on the rumors though?" Penelope gave a firm nod of her head. "Completely. I know he doesn't have the best history in your eyes but he wouldn't do something like that.. Not to me. He's just as serious about our relationship as I am." the knight explained. She paused and met her father's gaze hopefully. "You.. You'll eventually give him your blessing right?" John hesitated at her words. "I'm still considering it." he muttered. Letting out a long breath, he turned to leave. "Go get some breakfast, Penelope. I'm sure you have plenty to do today." Penelope felt herself relax at his words. While it wasn't the straightforward answer she was hoping for, it was still better than no. At least she knew his blessing was still on the table despite the rumors that had gone around. As he moved to leave, she gave a small nod. "Right. Thank you, father." she said with a small smile before stepping out of her room. She tucked away the letters into her pocket and headed off to the Great Hall.