[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181012/ad7d1ac9cb16e5ae0b355f0d3152a846.png[/img][hr][color=gray][b]Shrine in the Forest - ???[/b][/color][hr][/center]Hiroko looked over to Kaito as he suggested going forth to explore some more. It would be a good idea but the idea of some form of safety from even a crumbling structure like the shrine was tempting. However, Honami wanted to stay and look around some more for anything that might be of interest - which was highly unlikely of course. [b][color=f26522]"Just yell if you need any help. I'll keep an eye on Honami here. Stay close."[/color][/b] She reminded him as he exited the shrine. Giving Honami a nod, Hiroko had idled away near the entrance just in case Kaito would need their help. She was fidgeting with her lighter for a quick moment, flipping it over while opening and closing it. She didn't want to waste any of her lighter fluid needlessly. Every hair on her body stood up in alert when the scream echoed to them. [b][color=A887B2]“Get away from me!”[/color][/b] [b][color=f26522]"It isn't."[/color][/b] Hiroko agreed as she bolted out of the shrine as soon as she said that. There was another person in the forest with them and it would be for the best if they get a guide. Hopefully, she wasn't panicking because of Kaito or something. Kaito seemed to be a mild mannered person after all and he didn't seem like the type of person who would induce such a reaction. Hopefully, they'd be able to help and whoever this mystery woman would be willing to help them out too.